We had been invited over to my brother's house for another family game night with pizza included in the deal. Isaac had an appointment and was unsure if he'd be done in time for us to go. My parents were going over as well so when my mom got off work they picked up the three oldest kids and took them to my brother's. It was starting to look like I'd spend a lonely evening at home but Isaac's appointment was canceled and we loaded the babies and left.

We stopped on the way to pick up a couple extra pizzas just in case. By the time we got there all the kids had eaten and were ready for the mickey mouse cookies I had gotten for them. Isaac and I hurried and ate our pizza and then we visited a little bit. Ronan definitely has his appetite back. He was making rounds on everyone trying to guilt people into giving him bites of their food.

We played apples to apples and actually got my dad to play this time. Isaac was disappointed that my brother didn't want to play pictionary again. Isaac is convinced my brother Josh is scared of our couple pictionary power. Josh tried to give the excuse that he had to work early in the morning. Like you need rest to manage two hotels while your boss is in China. After two rounds of apples to apples we called it a night and headed home.
Inara has begun to wave bye bye. I have been slacking today and did not get any pictures of her new feat. All I got was this cute picture of her goofy smile.

If you can't tell she is getting teeth on the left side of her mouth and is doing this funny tongue thing. She loves the newness of the teeth in her mouth.
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