With everything going on yesterday I forgot to announce that yesterday was the blog half way point. This is post 184 in 184 days. Post 183 was the halfway mark. When I hit 365 posts I'm not sure what I'll do from there. I might just post randomly or I might finish out 2011 so the entire year is documented. We'll see when we arrive at that point.
Last night I left off debating what to do with the babies. Inara threw up a total of five times in two hours and got to the point she was just dry heaving. We decided we would take her in and see if they could give her anything to help. Ronan had a bad coughing fit so we thought since we were going in anyway we'd just have him checked again.

When we arrived Ronan was doing better. Since Ronan has neubulizer treatments, cpap, pulse-ox, steroids, tamaflu and antibiotics all at home the doctor came to the conclusion we had our own mini ER for him. She thought he would fare better at home away from the rest of the hospital illness. Isaac took him home and I stayed with Inara. She was still throwing up at the hospital. They gave her anti-nausea meds and she still threw up small bits of pedialyte. They did a belly x-ray to be sure an obstruction wasn't causing the vomiting.

The x-ray was clean and we tried smaller amounts of pedialyte at longer intervals. She still was not holding anything down. The doctor gave us two options. We could go home with a prescription for anti-nausea meds and see if they would work or we could wait another hour. If Inara vomitted even one more time she would be admitted. This meant if we chose to take her home and she threw up we would have to come back for her to be admitted.

We chose to take the medicine and chance having to come back. The doctor assured me Inara was hydrated enough to be ok during the night as long as she didn't throw up anymore. I put her to bed when we got home and she slept through the night. By morning the medication was working because Inara kept her breakfast down and despite a little grumpiness she is no worse for wear. Ronan woke up with a smile which is what I'm used to. As the morning progressed we had a few crying spells but he was looking considerably better.

We decided it was time for the three big kids to have big kid beds instead of toddler beds. We bought bunk beds. The boys wanted to share the top ( their choice) and Jadzia gets the entire bottom to herself.

Grandma relieved me of sick duty and also had presents. She had presents for the babies because they had been sick and presents for the big kids to go on their new beds. She got Inara a doll bath set that has a rubber duck that lights up and changes color. Ronan got a teddy bear. For the boys she bought them a huge comforter. She showed Xander how to turn the bunk beds into a fort by dangling the comforter from the top bunk to the floor. He was very enthusiastic about this feature. For Jadzia Grandma got her a Princess Belle blanket that came with a cloth Belle doll.

Isaac and I took off to the store. We walked around the mall and had pretzels. We sat and watched the people go by and talked for awhile. We decided to go ahead and buy the kids' Easter outfits. Their Easter outfits are a tradition and each child always gets a completely new dress outfit and shoes. We found some cute ones this year but chose not to match all the kids like we did last year.

Inara is still holding food down. We're grateful for anti nausea meds. Ronan seems stronger but still a little moody and droopy. This marks day 5 for him and I was told the duration is usually 5-7 days with two weeks being the longest time. I'm hoping tomorrow he'll be almost back to himself. If Ronan and Inara are in the clear and no one else is sick Landon will be returning Wednesday. I miss that boy. Isaac had to make me sad when he brought up the fact we are one third of the way to Landon being 18. I can't wait to see him again. Xander is really missing him tonight.
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