Today I got my present for completing the house keeping challenge. Are you ready to know what it is? I found it fitting since the challenge was to upkeep the house. Isaac got me something that will help household upkeep go faster. He got me a dishwasher. Up until this point we haven't had one and all the dishes had to be hand washed.

Ronan had his eye appointment early this morning to check his reoccuring eye bruising. Apparently his doctor had been afraid of a tumor since that can often cause frequent eye bruising. Ronan showed no signs of a tumor and was given the clear. The ophthalmologist's theory is that when Ronan had his eye surgery a blood vessel was damaged and now the vessel is sensitive and slowly healing.

I made the decision to cancel Ronan's extra therapy sessions. I'm going to keep the feeding clinic but try and find a closer facility for his therapy. Since he does get home therapy 2-3 times a week it's not a huge deal right now. Time wise the sessions were not a good fit for our family. The final decision came when Isaac told me he felt we shouldn't continue the outside therapy sessions. He felt eight sessions a week is too much for a one year old. Plus I need to give time and attention to my other kids as well.

I called this morning and let the therapists know. I still feel a twinge of guilt at times. I want what's best for Ronan. Sometimes I just have a hard time deciphering what is best. This Saturday is a special needs resource fair. I'm going to attend and see if I can find a better solution. There are going to be over 80 booths all with unique resources we may be able to utilize for Ronan.

Hot chocolate, blankets and snuggling up for a movie all sound like great ideas. The weather is frigid and we have a blizzard in the works. My Biology class was canceled for tonight. I was relieved that I didn't have to head back out in the snow.

Here's Landon talking to his Grandma on the phone.

And this is what Jadzia decided to wear today.

Oh yeah and I almost forgot, here's the dishwasher.
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