The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Fair at the Botanical Center
We had been invited to attend a diverse learning fair that was taking place at our local Botanical center. The fair included informational sessions, free lunch and a free walk through the botanical center. The main reason it peaked my interest was the booths with information for resources for children with special needs. My mom offered to watch the kids so Isaac and I could both attend. This event ended up doubling as a cool date. We made it to an informational session first which was followed by lunch. As we ate we listened to a couple of lawyers talk about legal matters pertaining to wills, trusts and children with special needs. After this session they opened the room up that had the booths in it. Isaac and I made our way around and I took interest in the education booths. I really want to find a school that will help Ronan with his hearing needs. The booths that were my favorite were giving out free chocolate. Chocolate is a vice of mine.We moved through the booths pretty quickly. Isaac needed some pictures for his photography class and thought the plants and items in the botanical center would make good photos. His current assignment was to find 49 objects that looked like they had faces. I took some pictures as well but mine weren't as vibrant as Isaac's. You can see my pictures above. I didn't post his because they would shame mine. He's learning how to manually fix his camera lighting based on each occasion. My camera is fairly basic although I did discover it held more settings than I originally thought.Birthday season is coming up in our house. Isaac's birthday is Thursday, Landon's is in March then within two weeks of each other is Xander's, Ronan's and Inara's birthdays. Jadzia is way at the end of September but I consider hers to end the birthday season. Yes this is a very extended season and mine is not included in the time frame and I'm pretty sure I don't include it because I do not plan my own birthday. With this thought in mind I've been thinking about what cakes to make the kids.I found mini lalaloopsies buy two get one free and these were what I was going to make Jadzia's 4th birthday cake with. I already have the cake designed in my mind. Since they were on sale I grabbed all of them up and have them stored for September when I make her cake. For Landon he wants a batman cake and I found a batman cake pan that I'm considering for him. For Xander he keeps changing it but he says he wants a dinosaur cake or a monkey cake. For Ronan I searched for a sock cake and only came across a mini pan. I found a cute dump truck cake pan that I thought would be cute for him. For Inara's first birthday I'm going to be making her a lady bug cake. I think planning ahead will help me get through birthday season and make sure it's fun for everyone.
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