Today we got our dental reminder cards. They send pictures of various assorted dogs to each of the kids. They are thrilled to get mail. Xander is thrilled until he finds out what the cards are for and then he decides he no longer wants the card. I find it hard to believe it is dental appointment time already. The appointments will actually be made for next month but still it seems like we had just gone through the whole dental ordeal.

Lesson learned from last time. I will set the appointments for a day and time Isaac is available. Not only does this give an extra person to run interference but at the snap of a finger daddy does his magic and the kids hop to it. Something about the mighty power of daddy.

We were snowed in all day today. Isaac got to be home with us and we really didn't do too much. We did get a new snow blower because Isaac finally got tired of shoveling endless amounts of snow. I did tell him since he already shoveled today and now that he bought the snow blower we probably won't get anymore snow this year. He was ok with that irony.

Tonight is movie night. We have a couple of kids' movies, popcorn, hot chocolate and plenty of snuggle blankets. Jadzia has decided to stay extra warm and use my coat as a snuggle mechanism. I'm off to enjoy the evening with my kids.

Ronan has decided an up front view is best for watching the movies.

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