I've resigned to the fact that I will never be the next great baker and Buddy Valastro will never come knocking on my door offering me a job at Carlos'. Still for never taking a single lesson and having limited cake decorating experience I think I did an ok job on Isaac's cakes.

Last year Isaac wanted a custom cake of something sci-fi. I found a Star ship Enterprise made out of cake. I searched around for a bakery to make the cake and best estimate was $400. Seeing as $400 was a bit much for a cake I moved on and got him a somewhat lame comparison cake from Wal-Mart. It had a plastic cut out of the star ship enterprise. Yeah, not nearly as cool as a 3D replica comprised entirely of edible components.

This year I decided I would try and make it up to him and find an R2D2 cake pan and try my hand at that. In the process of being unable to find the cake pan I found instructions on how to make a 3D R2D2. In that moment I ambitiously decided I would conqueror the 3D R2D2. I also knew Isaac would be sad if I didn't make his favorite yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Chocolate frosting would have looked off for an R2D2 cake so that was the moment it was decided I would make two. The second would be simple with two light sabers on each side clashing with the usually happy birthday Isaac message scrolled across the top. This would also serve as a backup in case R2D2 crumbled to pieces.

I've only used fondant once before and I am horrible with the stuff. The only major flaw was the fact R2D2 had to be sculpted together with seams everywhere. But none the less I got through it. Landon acknowledged the cake was recognizable when he walked into the kitchen this morning and said "Wow Mom, you made Dad an R2D2 cake!" I was pleased that staying up until 4 in the morning had led to my cake being understood by my almost six year old.

Isaac cheated a bit and has already broken into the light saber cake. I can't say anything I know better than to tempt my man with yellow cake and chocolate frosting. It would be similar to putting me in a chocolate store and saying I couldn't have any. Tomorrow is his actual birthday and there is still plenty of cake left.

The rest of today was pretty lazy. I got caught up on house work but for the most part the kids and I read books, played games and relaxed. I took a nap to recuperate from my 4:30 am bedtime. Now I'm refreshed and ready to get back on things tomorrow.
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