This week is an easy week. We don't have a single appointment. Ronan's teacher came to the house on Monday and we had the weight check yesterday but other than that nothing else is on the agenda. We've been relaxing.

Inara is standing with assistance. She can move a few steps to the side but after a couple of steps she puts her hands back to be sure I'm there to catch her. She got a hand boo boo today. So far Inara hasn't had much luck in the small appendages department. From her toes being injured by a strand of hair to now smashed fingers. Inara is mobile now so she belly crawled over to the bathroom entryway and had her right hand half on the carpet and half on the bathroom tile.

Xander was in the bathroom and didn't know she was there. He went to shut the door. I yelled "Don't shu.." that was all I got out as I leaped for Inara. It was too late the top of the door went over her fingers and she let out a shrill scream. I gently pulled her hand out and she was holding a couple of her fingers weird and wouldn't bend them. I showed Isaac and he thought they were broken and said we should take her in. He went to get his keys and wallet. While he was gone I put my finger in the palm of her hand and she wrapped her fingers around it. She had also stopped screaming. I showed Isaac and he decided she was ok.

Now you can't really tell anything happened. In the picture it really doesn't show up but if you look closely at her pinky and index finger there are tiny scrapes and they are a little red. She's moving them fine now and isn't fussing so I'm pretty sure we're in the clear.

I thought this picture was funny. She looks like she's taking a picture of herself for an online profile. It's even slanted in a downward angle. I've been told people take pictures of themselves at that angle because it's supposed to make them look thinner. Not sure if it works but this is what this picture reminded me of. The above Inara one not the below Jadzia.

Xander is quickly becoming a miniature version of his dad. He has his father's wit and building skills. He is also developing his father's germ phobia. You know the adorable pictures of a child eating their first birthday cake? Isaac hates those. He hates the messiness of it. Xander is starting to be the same way. Ronan had crumbs on his face from the crackers he ate. Xander sees him and starts gagging. I asked him what was wrong. He said, " Ronan's face is messy." The picture below is Xander covering his mouth while he passed Ronan. Hopefully the child will never aspire to work at a day care.
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