Today started out simple with sprinkle pancakes for breakfast. There were rumors of a possible zoo trip in our day but it was contingent on a few things one of which was Ronan's condition. By 7:30 Ronan is usually sitting in his bed manipulating his sock lovey. I went to check on him and he was still sound asleep. I made Jadzia and Xander their sprinkle pancakes which they gobbled down. Ronan was still sleeping. This was very odd seeing as he normally is up and ready to make a dash for his food cupboard to receive his promised breakfast. I decided to get him up and see if he would eat. He groaned at me and was not really responding.

I carried him to the kitchen and gently shook him awake. At first he refused my food offers so I got his favorite thing out which is yogurt. He ate his usual two containers and then collapsed asleep again. The Er had said to follow-up if he wasn't better by Friday. His pediatrician isn't in on Fridays so I decided we'd just head to urgent care. He woke up a little when we arrived at Urgent care. His eyes peaked out of tiny slits as he was unwilling to open them completely. The receptionist looked at him sympathetically. "OH, He doesn't look good." she pulled his chart and we sat down. He was like a rag doll in my arms. They called us back and he stayed asleep while they checked him.

The doctor came in they did blood work and some other tests. The chest x-ray revealed pneumonia. They gave him two shots of a strong antibiotic and sent us home with a prescription for more. When we got home Ronan was still very lethargic. I got him to drink 8oz. of pedialyte and then he drifted back to sleep. His doctor called me to let me know he has influenza and they were calling in Tamaflu to our pharmacy. They told me he could go south pretty quick and to bolt for the ER at the first sign of distress. I wondered at that moment if it was too premature to bolt for the ER.

I laid with Ronan on the couch for the afternoon while the other kids took their naps. He slept and then about dinner time he woke up. I tried to get more pedialyte down him. He took 2 ounces and then threw the bottle across the room. I couldn't get him to take anymore. He went into a 15 minute crying fit and I held and rocked him. Shortly after that I was talking to my mother in-law on the phone and I looked over and Inara was throwing up everywhere. I told my Mother in-law bye and found out she also had diarrhea.

My mother in-law graciously agreed to keep Landon longer (he was coming back tomorrow). Maybe we can prevent one kid from getting it. Inara threw up a second time since. I was hoping it was a fluke but throwing up twice I'm thinking she probably has it. The only thing is is that she's really happy so I'm not sure. Of course Inara is naturally happy baby but I would think she'd be unhappy if her tummy was really upset. Now the question is what to do. I'm waiting for Isaac to get home. I'm probably going to take Inara to urgent care to see if they can put her on Tamaflu or something. But Ronan won't drink and his cough is worse. I'm trying to decide if I need to take him to the ER or not. And that is where we are at this moment.
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