Last evening Ronan started to act lethargic. He looked like the above picture all evening and was very clingy to me. He didn't want me to put him down for anything. He had been having bad diapers all day. He was on his tenth poopy diaper and looked very droopy. He had 102.5 temp. He also wasn't eating or drinking very well. When I put him down to bed he was wheezing considerably. I decided I'd take him in. I was kind of wishing that I had decided an hour earlier so I could have taken him to Urgent care instead of the ER.

After four hours and two viles of blood later they determined he has a stomach virus. His blood sugar was ok so they sent us home. Today he was still pretty droopy and laid around the house still having his bad diapers. His pediatrician called and told me to hold off feeding him today and instead just push the pedialyte and as long as he was drinking he could stay home. If he wouldn't drink she wanted him in the hospital.

Fortunately he drank an entire bottle (8 oz.) of pedialyte around lunch time and another at dinner time. By bedtime he was acting more like himself and I even caught a few smiles. I'm hoping by tomorrow the bug will have passed and he can resume eating.

Today was a beautiful day in the high 60s. The kids had cabin fever from winter lock up. It was still pretty muddy so I let them run around in the drive way for a little bit. Jadzia enjoyed going to the store with me to get Ronan's pedialyte and we got to go without coats for the first time since Fall. Tomorrow is supposed to be decent so we might take the kids to the zoo or some other outdoor activity. We need to soak up the warm weather because on Sunday snow is predicted to return.

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby?

She's pretty cute awake too.

She's my little lady bug.
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