Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crashing Windows

A loud crash sounded on the north side of our house mid this morning. Part of the big kids' bedroom window shattered on the ground after falling two stories. This was a very random occurence and there had been no noted damage prior to this event. Times like these are when I'm grateful my husband can fix just about anything and he can do it with more than just duct tape. Luckily the part that fell was the outside lower layer and the inner one was still completely intact. He repaired the window and made sure the rest of it was safe.

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Landon worked on school, Xander did a little preschool, Jadzia colored and the rest of the babies played on the floor. By afternoon I put all the kids down for naps and I got caught up on all the tasks that have been neglected. I had sorted through more clothes and after looking in Jadzia's closet I realized she didn't have much left because all her clothes were 2T or smaller. I had a quick chat with Isaac and it was decided it was time to get her 3T clothes bought. Isaac stayed with the rest of the kids so Jadzia and I could have a shopping date.

I let her pick out most of her clothes and I found a couple of things for Inara as well. We do use a lot of hand me downs but I also make sure they get a few outfits that are new for each size they grow into. I got a new outfit for Ronan because he might be on the news. The President of Gigi's playhouse sent me an e-mail asking if I could bring Ronan to Gigi's tomorrow because our local news station is doing a story on Down Syndrome and Gigi's playhouse. They want as many kids there as possible. I'm not sure if they will pick him but I figured we should be ready just in case.

After we got home Isaac let Jadzia have one of her birthday presents early. She was so happy to discover her dad had actually bought her a barbie doll. She's been asking for one for a long time and Isaac kept telling her no. But being daddy's little girl he finally gave in and got her Cinderella, ballerina barbie.

We have an early morning tomorrow. Ronan has a 7:30 eye appointment, then he gets his foot braces and then it's off to Gigi's for the news story. I'm planning on taking Xander along with me. I've done a lot with Jadzia lately for all her birthday coupons. Landon gets to go to his Grandma's house this next week so I think Xander needs some special time as well. I try to get each them out alone every once in awhile. I know Ronan will be there too but I think he'll be just as excited especially since we're going to Gigi's , he loves it there.I thought these were cute pictures of Ronan. He loves his baby sister almost more than anything. He loves to crawl over to her bouncy seat, climb on top of her and touch her face, which he then unintentionally scratches her. Obviously this is not good on Inara. He's learned that I catch him before he gets to her now so he usually waits until I'm busy then he makes a bee line for her bouncy seat. If he spots me coming towards him he crawls faster. Today he got a surprise. He went over to give her his usual love and she wasn't there.

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