Friday, September 24, 2010

A Day out forJadzia

I'm sitting home alone with just my two littlest babies for company. I know you're probably wondering how I've managed to find myself here. The answer is my family has dispersed themselves to several different locations. Landon is still with Grandpa and Grandma Fullmer, Xander and Jadzia went with my parents to my brother's, and Isaac went out to a movie Inara has what I believe to be either allergies or the start of a cold so I've been keeping her home just in case.

Early this morning I took Jadzia and Ronan to Ronan's audiology appointment. His ear molds now fit securely again. Jadzia enjoyed the trip because she got a Minnie mouse stamp on her hand for being good during the appointment. After the appointment I did a photo shoot of Jadzia since she's turning three.

After lunch Jadzia and I left to spend the 20 free tokens she'd received from the Chuck E Cheese birthday club. She had fun playing games and riding the kiddy rides. She got a little make up case, yellow sunglasses and two bracelets. After she burned through all her tokens we left for Wal-Mart to pick up the rest of her birthday items including her cake. I got her a princess crown to go with her party theme and also a Tinkerbell balloon. The Tinkerbell balloon popped shortly after we arrived home so now she has no big balloons for tomorrow. We also rented the Frog Princess and the new Tinkerbell movie. I'm going to let her stay up and watch one tonight after she gets back then we'll watch the other one for her party.

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