Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date

Today was pretty much your average Sunday. I did scramble to get some class work done that was due. I'm glad that the online professors give me until Sunday night to complete the week's work because otherwise I'm not sure I could complete it all. I have taken on another project. On my bucket list is to write a book. I have long had this goal and have started many stories but I'm determined I'm going to finish a book. It's just something I have to do for myself. I don't care if anyone ever wants to read it I must write it (although having readers would be nice). The book is going to be about the last two-three years give or take.

I have words and emotions I need to get out and the best outlet for myself has always been through writing. I have no idea when the book will be done, maybe a few months or even a couple of years but I'm determined to complete it and I'm posting this goal on here to keep myself accountable.Besides promising myself to complete my book and finish school work today was pretty easy going days as most Sundays. Isaac took Jadzia out on a daddy daughter date. She had a ten dollar gift certificate to Build a bear and she picked out a Hello Kitty chair for her stuffed animals. They also got some ice cream which also ended up being her lunch. I told myself one meal won't hurt her and Father daughter bonding is more important than my worries over one meal.
My Landon got back yesterday and I just realized how tall he's getting. I wanted to cry. My mother in-law bought him clothes from the big boy section! Gone are the days of shopping in the baby/toddler section for him. Somewhere between all the diaper changes, bedtime stories, race car adventures my baby became a boy. How does childhood fade so quickly? Yes, I know he's five and we have many summers before college but it just seems like I was yesterday rocking him to sleep as I am Inara now.

We did have a disaster before bed. Jadzia's lalaloopsy doll was MIA. We looked everwhere and inevitably I had to send her to bed in tears. I hated it and she kept crying "Lalaloopy went back to Loopy land!" I thought this was pretty funny and cute but I felt bad for her. After she went to bed and the house was organized for tomorrow's PT visit Lalaloopsy was found hidden in a backpack behind the computer desk. She is now sitting on the couch for Jadzia to see the moment she comes downstairs in the morning.

Next week is already here. Jadzia has her three year old check-up tomorrow. She'll have her yearly kidney ultrasound scheduled. This year we should know for sure which way her kidney issues are going to lean. The right kidney will have either matched its growth with the left, The right will have stayed the same (meaning it will never grow), or it will have gotten smaller which is worst case. She's doing awesome now you'd never know she was once a frail little girl so I'm expecting good results. On Wednesday the boys will have their dental work done. I have to have my mom watch the three little ones because I have to take Isaac with me because both boys will be very drugged. Besides three therapist visits there is nothing else going on this week so hopefully this will be a much easier week.

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