Thursday, September 9, 2010

The day we did nothing

To be honest today is not blog worthy. I woke up feeling tired more than usual and just wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. I was thankful Ronan's OT was cancelled. He has three therapy visits next week to make up for it (private PT, hearing teacher, and Early Access PT). I'm sure the OT will call and reschedule bring it up to four.

Sometimes the thought of therapy visits exhaust me and if I hadn't truly studied how they are essential I might not do any of them. But I want what's best for Ronan I just worry about him losing the important parts of childhood with all the visits and appointments.

I go back and forth. I help him everyday by playing games and helping him with exercises. So why does he need all this extra help. He has weak muscles so he needs help strengthening them. I have been told with his weak muscle tone he has to work around ten times harder to accomplish crawling, pulling to stand , walking ect.. than the average child. The hearing teacher makes since she teaches me ways to communicate with him. He is crawling everywhere now which is a blessing and a challenge because he's into everything now.

Other than this contemplation in my head we just had a lazy day. Inara is figuring out how to pivot around and even scoot off her blanket a little. She gets really mad when she can't go any further. Here she is . She stared facing the lion mirror on the right while on the blanket and this is where she ended up.
Also Jadzia built this dinosaur I thought was pretty cool. I think the other thing is just a window.
That's all I have for today. Tomorrow I plan on posting a video of Ronan crawling. I'm really proud of his hard work.

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