Sunday, August 14, 2011

Band aid Troubles

Countdown continues with 9 days to go until my blog challenge is complete. I can't believe we made it this far. I wrote about Xander's wort a week ago. The doctor told me he would most likely have to go back in to take care of residual tissue. His finger was starting to look really weird and it was almost looking like the wort area had spread.I took him into the doctor to have the second treatment. We saw a different doctor this time and he thought they had treated beyond the wort area and that's why it looked like it was spreading. This time they used the liquid nitrogen to freeze it off and this time it hurt. Xander cried and the doctor even tried cheering him up by throwing the leftover liquid nitrogen at the door. The frosted smoke distracted Xander for a few seconds and then he went back to crying.A band aid, bucket of toy reptiles and three stickers later Xander was happy again. Doctors have the art of bribery down to a science. Xander had begged for a band aid in the doctors office but as soon as we got home he took the band aid off. He said it was too yellow for his tastes. He was convinced black would have been a more suitable color.

I took Inara's fourteen month pictures today. When she was first born I took a picture of her every week for her online album and continued until she was a year. Now I take a picture every other week. I have enjoyed seeing how she's changed and I can see even the subtle changes with her weekly album. It's something I wish I'd thought of for my other kids.

For today's shoot I took her outside. She tried walking on the grass but our back yard is pretty bumpy so she kept tumbling. I could really tell she is truly a walker now because a few months ago she would have just given up and crawled away. This time every time she fell she got back up and tried to walk again. She is a very determined child.

Inara and Ronan like to look out the kitchen window. Every time they stand side by side I can see Inara creeping ever so closer to Ronan's height. Inara tries to look even taller by always standing on her tip toes.
We have recently discovered that Ronan is scared of band aids. When he sees one he tries to run away and if he continues to see it he starts crying and pushes it away. Xander didn't realize this when he showed Ronan his band aid. Grandpa Spencer had to comfort Ronan after the ordeal.

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