Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big Trike Rider

Today Ronan's therapist had a very ambitious idea for Ronan. She thought he should try to pedal a tricycle. In the back of my mind I was skeptical. Not because I don't have complete faith that my baby boy can accomplish what he puts his mind to but because the kid has only been walking well for about three months. Also his legs are super short. His tiny legs lucked out bcause one of the trikes had pedal extensions on it and had foot covers to Velcro his feet in place.They set him on the trike and Velcroed him in and his therapists showed him what his legs needed to do. To my surprise he began to pedal and pedal. I asked his therapists if they were pushing him and thy assured me he was moving all on his own. While it wasn't super fast I thought any speed that propelled him forward was amazing. Ronan has the ability to amaze his Mama when I least expect it. I honestly did not think he would figure out how to pedal on the first try. You showed me, Ronan.

Jadzia had her first speech therapy session today. Their focus today was the "F" sound. They played a couple of games: an apple worm game and a cookie recipe game. I watched part of her session through a one sided mirror. She was done about half way through Ronan's therapy. The therapists were very accommodating to her. Ronan's OT let Jadzia swing on the platform swing along with Ronan and during his PT session they let her pick out some toys to play with.This is Lila (Inara's favorite doll). She is named Lila because for some reason that is what Inara calls her. Lila came to Inara on Inara's first birthday but before that Inara had pulled her off a Wal-mart shelf. She had been unwilling to let her go through the entire Wal-mart trip. My mom saw how muched she liked Lila and bought her for Inara.

Inara now carries her almost everywhere and of course Lila must be present for Inara to sleep. I haven't figured out why she calls her Lila but whatever works I guess.
We're about to make some popcorn and cuddle up for another movie night. Jadzia has a Princess movie and a Strawberry Shortcake movie that she's itching to watch.

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