Monday, August 8, 2011

Lazy Summer Day

We did nothing today. The babies and I took a day off to cuddle, read books and watch a movie. I figure we should enjoy the low key time now since I start Fall classes in two weeks. I found out I got a 4.0 summer semester as well which means I have officially graduated.

One step out of the way but I still have three years until I earn the degree I'm striving for. This next semester I am taking classes that will prepare me for the harder subjects for the ultrasound technician program. One is Physics. This semester I'm taking an introductory class and next semester I will take one class level up. This way I'll be ready for the advanced class next summer. Another prep class I'm taking is pre-algebra. Mathematics are not my strong point. To help with this I'm taking pre-algebra and then next semester I'm taking elementary Algebra and hopefully this will help me pass Algebra next summer. The third class I'm taking is medical terminology.Two classes I'm taking for fun and because I needed two extra classes to meet a program requirement are creative writing and drawing. Creative Writing is more in hopes to improve my writing skills and encourage me to actually finish the books I'm writing. Drawing is because I can't draw very well and I needed the credit. I figured since I needed just any class it might as well be one I would enjoy.

All of this starts on August 25th and August is flying by. This is why days like today are good where I can just enjoy my babies. I'm missing the boys already but they are having fun at their grandparents'. They have been swimming a lot and playing with the neighbor kids.

Tomorrow Jadzia starts Speech therapy. She is very excited about it and I'm looking forward to gaining tips on how to help her speak more clearly. I'm hoping this will help with a lot of her communication frustrations.

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