Thursday, August 11, 2011

State Fair

Today was Jadzia's day. I had been promising her for a week we would go to the state fair. I was shocked at the ten dollar price of parking. But I had promised Jadzia we would go the fair. `We walked around for awhile just taking in the sights. I walked, Jadzia rode in the stroller. I knew if I left the stroller we would barely make it past the entrance as the ten dollar parking I paid for was also a great distance from the entrance to the fair.Jadzia liked the sheep and was unsure at first what they were because they had been sheered. We stopped and watched the horse show for a few minutes. Horses are hands down Jadzia's favorite animal. We ate lunch and then went to see Clifford. After waiting in line to see the big red dog Jadzia got scared and wouldn't go near him. Instead she wanted to ride the little train they had at one of the booths.

We went through the baby animal building and then to the helping hands exhibit. The helping hands exhibit was designed to show kids how food gets from the farm to the grocery store. Kids could plant fake seeds then harvest plastic vegetables. Above you can see Jadzia's sad face because she picked a carrot out of a basket and before I could say "No! It's fake!!" She bit into it. A look of shock came across her face and I had to explain to her all the vegetables were fake. This made her pretty sad and left me hoping that carrot was germ free.

The helping hands exhibit continued with tractor riding, apple picking, egg finding and cow milking. All of these activities were fake. After milking the cow I told Jadzia to pick up a milk carton. She picked up the first one and said "it's empty." She set it back down and went for another one. Upon finding the second caarton empty she gave up and headed out the door. At the end she traded her farm items in and received a fake dollar for the general store. She chose a popsicle.

We explored the kid zone and then headed home. We had a fun day together at the fair. Jadzia was exhausted and fell asleep with drink in hand. We made it home to find the babies napping and just enough time for Jadzia to finish her nap in her bed.

Tonight when I was putting Jadzia to bed she told me "Mommy, I want my boys back." I thought that was so sweet and I told her they'd be back next week and she replied. "No, tomorrow. I want them back tomorrow." She is starting to seem lost without her playmates. Some reason Ronan trying to rip off her fairy wings or Inara dismantling her tea party aren't features she desires in playmates.

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