Saturday, August 6, 2011

VBS Program

Inara has a new learning bump or perhaps better put learning scrapes. She climbed up onto the couch and leaned too far off the side and tumbled right into the corner of the wall. I tried catching her but was a little too late. Head wounds always bleed awful and this one was no exception. I rushed her into the bathroom and it was two small scrapes. The bleeding took awhile to stop mainly because as I applied pressure she tried to shoo me away from her head. The way she saw it this was no time for Mommy to be a pest. She grabbed her head and said "Ouchie!"Xander also had a medical predicament and we had some debate about what it was. He had a growth on his hand and I thought it was a wort. But it looked a little different and it was close to his finger nail. The size increased slowly over the week and it was really starting to bother him. He was leaving for his Grandparents' today. They live an hour and a half away and he'll be gone for awhile. I thought it would be wise to have it looked at before he left since it was bugging him.We had to make a side trip and get mall pretzels. We sat in the car, ate them and chatted. It turned out I was right and it was a wort. The doctor gave us two options. One would get rid of it but be painful the other would require us to come back one more time but wouldn't hurt. We opted for the one that wouldn't hurt. I'll make another trip if he can avoid the pain.

We did some grocery shopping and then hurried home to get ready for the VBS program. My in-laws met us at the house and we all went over to the church. The kids looked cute singing their songs. Inara tried to escape under the pew and Ronan clapped and signed random signs along to the songs. I think Ronan was the most enthusiastic audience member.

Xander was excited because his team won. He kept raising his arms in triumph. You couldn't tell he has a competitive streak.The boys left with my in-laws and the youngest three came home with me. Jadzia stayed home because the boys are going to be staying longer and Jadzia doesn't do as well being gone for long periods plus she starts speech therapy on Tuesday. I have some really neat things planned for her and I. My mom has Thursday and Friday off work. Her and my dad are going to watch the babies and Jadzia are going to have the entire day Thursday to ourselves. I have so much planned and I can't wait to have a girls day with my big girl. Right now we are watching Madeline and cuddling on the couch.

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