I got a call early this morning from Ronan's GI doctor's nurse. He reports that Ronan's Doctor is in California but he has decided he wants Ronan to have the PH test. Only now he has to have the tube in for a total of two days. I'm beginning to think I'd rather have a monkey hit me over the head with a hammer repeatedly. Also he has to go off the reflux medicine for a week before the test so I'm sure it's going to be a bad week of spitting up and constant coughing. My mom almost thinks they should just keep him in the hospital those two days. Also the endocrinology nurse called. Ronan does not have hypothyroidism! So good news among the bad!
Landon did awesome today and is really getting good at his writing skills. We were so involved in school today that I lost track of time. I look at the clock and it was already 11:00 and I had to leave in an hour to get Ronan's new ear molds. I had to start lunch for everyone as well as nurse Inara, get myself dressed, and make sure I had all the paperwork together. When all was said and done Ronan and I headed out the door 15 minutes late.
We make it to the children's hospital and I dash through the sky walk. We made it five minutes early and as I sit in the stroller I look at Ronan and realize in the big rush I forgot to change his shirt after lunch. One of my pet peeves is stained clothes especially on my kids. I start fretting about how they are going to think I'm a neglectful mother and start to rummage through my bag for a new shirt when I notice a powerful smell being emitted from around the stroller area. Oh Ronan! I think why do you have to have such timing and that was when I discovered I'd brought the wrong bag. No extra shirt. No wipes!
"Ronan Fullmer!" Ahhh I think to myself as we head back. She's going to think I leave my child dirty and smelly! I nervously hold Ronan as she does the first mold. After the first ones is complete she explains she has to go do something with his mold and will be back in about ten minutes. I jump at the chance. "Can I use your bathroom?" She leads us to the bathroom and there is a changing table. I quickly change his diaper and have to use wet paper towels for wipes. I also scrub his shirt trying to make him look somewhat more presentable.
We make it back out just as she's coming back with the rest of the goo to do his other ear. Once the ear molds are done drying she decides we have enough time to test him in the hearing booth. He scored around the same as he did in April which she said is a sign his hearing may just stay put but we won't know for sure until next April. When we get home the rest of the kids are down for their naps and Ronan is already asleep so I just put him in his crib. Isaac tells me there is some sort of mix up with a past student loan I had and my new financial aid for school. Also the school has my information in maiden name even though I have not gone by that name for over six years. They copied from my transcripts rather than my enrollment form. I talk to my dad since our car is still on the fritz and ask him if I could pick up mom and use his car since my mom's work and the actual campus for my online school are at the same place.
I get to the college and get all my information taken care of but there is still over an hour to kill before it's time to pick up my mom. I was really wishing I had thought to bring a couple of my textbooks along when I remembered there was a teacher store close by. I walk into this store and I am awestruck. This store is every homeschooling mother's dream. Wall to wall books, teaching aides, and learning games. There is an entire aisle of science project kits. And there it was. A grow your own Venus fly trap kit! I almost fell over because when I asked Landon what was the one science project he wanted to do this year he had said he wanted to grow his own Venus fly trap. I had told him I didn't know of anywhere I could get the seeds and he had been disappointed.
They also had a cattepillar/butterfly garden, lady bug tower, tadpole kit, ant farm, tiny greenhouse, hatch your own fish and countless others. I am beyond excited. I'm going to bring the kids there and let them pick out the science projects they want. I also found this big alphabet floor mat that comes with flash cards. You show them the pictures and they have to jump on the letter the item starts with. I could get myself into trouble in this store. The store filled up most of the hour and I headed to my mom's work.
I made it home in time to make dinner then Isaac helped explain some of my math homework to me. I can't believe how rusty I am now. The rest of the evening the kids and I played games and I let them stay up an extra hour then it was off to bed.
Sorry not many pictures today. I took some cute ones of Inara though:

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