My husband has a dream. He is an amazing builder and handyman. Another fact about my husband is once he gets going on a project he runs with it and turns small things into great things. Take these two facts and put them together with house hunting and that equals fixer upper house and major renovation.
We are currently in the process of house hunting but Isaac is looking for the perfect house. But his definition of perfect wouldn't fit most people's. He purposely wants to find a house that needs a complete makeover. We've gone into houses and he leaves saying it was not run down enough. He wants a house whose "bones" are good but the rest needs work.
I have complete faith in him because he knows how to build a house from the ground up and he can repair just about anything. His desire is to take a house that would otherwise go to waste and turn it into something beautiful. I admire his resourcefulness. He has promised me two things: a dish washer and a jet tub. A dish washer because we haven't had one for the last two years and a jet tub because I have often whined about my desire for a jet tub. He is willing to appease me with this because he knows when I'm having a rough day I am relaxed by taking a long bath.
So what does this have to do with today? Isaac and I spent most of the afternoon and evening house hunting. In search of the perfect, hopeless house so my husband can use his skills and create us a dream home. The best part will be is he loves doing all of this so this won't be work for him but more of a hobby. And just in case you're wondering yes, we will stay put until he makes whatever tear down we find into a beautiful home. I think it will be fun to watch him
make all the changes and we can customize whatever we want.

Rewinding a bit to earlier in the day. The kids and I painted wind chimes for their Great Grandma Spencer's birthday. She lives in an assisted living home in Nebraska. My dad is leaving tomorrow to help take care of the sale of her house and he will hand deliver the wind chimes to her.
In Ronan news he is finally crawling off belly! If you knew how many hours I have put into trying to get this boy moving you would understand my rejoicing. He now has a more effective way to play with his siblings then by just rolling around. He is also standing a lot better and is moving his feet forward when you hold his hands. It seems like he is just jumping on everything at once. His feet do turn in a bit sometimes but that's what the braces will hopefully help with and then we may have a walking boy soon. They are also debating doing treadmill therapy with him if he is still not walking after we use the braces for awhile.

Isaac is having a guy's night out and the older kids are in bed so I'm going to go enjoy my social butterfly, Inara.

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