Today is the last technical day of Summer but it felt more like Fall had begun due to the down pour of rain. Wednesday is Ronan's PT day. He showed how he felt about the whole thing during the middle of his session he turned around and crawled out of the room. His PT was just thrilled to have him crawling. Once we got home we decided to go get Jadzia's birthday present from her great grandparents. They got her a Princess Jewel Lalaloopsy "(Bitty Buttons) doll which is something she's been wanting for a long time.

She was very excited to have her doll and she carried it everywhere today. She dubbed the doll "Happy Doll". We went over to my brother's new house for lunch. The kids had been wanting to play in the wooden fort they have out back but because of the rain we had to stay inside. The kids played for awhile. We had some yummy cake and then headed home. Isaac was tearing apart the garage when we arrived to get all our extra things ready to take to auction tomorrow. We have done a basic clean sweep of all our excess. Isaac found more children's clothes for me to go through, sort and sell. This activity took up most of the rest of the day. The kids played outside while we sorted and loaded.

I want to have it all done before the weekend but I'm not sure that will be accomplished. There aren't anymore appointments this week so I can at least give it a good shot. Inara sat in a bumbo for the first time today. I was a little leery since she had just turned three months but I was curious so I carefully put her in and held her head for a bit but she popped her head right up and sat like a pro. Still worried I snapped a quick picture and took her out of it but I was surprised see how well she could sit in it. I think I'm going to put it away until she is officially four months just to be safe.

Landon is having a good time at Grandma's. His Grandmother informed me that when his Grandpa inquired as to whether Landon wanted to go home tomorrow Landon replied with a "I'll leave when I'm ready to go to college." He got to pick out a pumpkin and had fun playing outside with a puppy who also terrorized him. I'm glad he's having a good time and I know having the fun and attention is good for him but I sure miss him. I'll have my boy back on Saturday and I know he'll have great stories to tell and will have made some wonderful memories.
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