Dental day greeted us bright and early this morning. I got myself ready and took care of the babies. I didn't get the big boys up until 15 minutes before we were leaving because I knew they'd be dismayed over not being able to eat breakfast. With my mom watching the other kids Isaac and I headed out the door with our two oldest. We arrived ten minutes early and the office door wasn't even unlocked yet. We waited in the hallway. I'm not sure what it is about the hallway ( It leads to many other businesses and offices) but it smells like a rain forest exhibit at the zoo.
The nurse saw us waiting and let us in a couple minutes early and they put Toy story 2 on for the boys in the theater room. I opened my world religions text book and began reading about Jainism. The nurse called Landon back and they administered his medicine. They told me it would kick in in about ten to fifteen minutes and that he could go back to watching the movie. I went back to skimming my text book. Halfway through the chapter I glanced over and saw Landon laying flat on the floor starring at the ceiling. I walked over and looked down at him "What are you doing?" I gave a half smile as I realized the Valium had officially found it's way into his system. "I can't move my legs." His speech was slurred a bit. I picked him up and laid him down on one of the benches and tucked his Jacket under his head.

Xander looked up at his dad and with very slurred speech goes " Ims going to a fwights yous dwaddy! Yous go to that side of the rooms." He flung his arm to one side and then the other as he continued" Then we'lls meets in the mwiddle and Bammm!! I will win because I'm Humongasaur!!!!" As quickly as he said that he turned his head to the side and said "Why are we all under water. I can't breath under water." And then he laughed hysterically. After another moment of insisting he could touch the nonexistent ceiling fan in the room he calmed down for a few minutes. After a short intermission he began spewing jokes and and at one point tried to remove his shirt.
This whole thing went on for about 45 minutes when the brought a still very weepy Landon out. The nurse carried Xander back and Landon burst into tears. " I'm never eating sweets again! No cookies, no cake, no nothing good!" His speech was slightly incoherent from the slight slur and the fact he had a cotton strip in his mouth to prevent him from severely biting his numb cheek. His dad then said " So I guess that means no more pizza either?" Landon's eyes went wide "Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! Not my pizza!!!" I gently patted his head and told him to sleep. He then proceeded to tell me how mad he was at the dentist for sewing up the holes in his teeth.

From the office area I hear "Xander's mom" I transferred a distraught Landon to his dad and headed over. The dentist herself came out to talk to me. She began "Usually Valium does one of two things to kids. It makes them sleepy or very angry. Xander was really, really , really mad." So much for the silly, loopy boy we'd had in the waiting room. The dentist gave me home care instructions then we were reunited with a non-talking, scowling Xander. We headed out to the car, about halfway home Xander finally spoke. "Mom I let them know I wasn't going to have any of that!" I looked back at him " And how did that go for you?" With a slight pause he said"They gave me some anyway." He lowered his head and continued his scowl.

We stopped at the store to stock up on pudding, soup and anything soft they could eat. Ronan has given me great practice in coming up with ideas for soft foods. Taking thickened liquids out of the picture the boys were basically on the Ronan diet for the day. I got back and found out my mom had had an easy day. All three of the little ones slept for the most part. Jadzia was fever free but still had a head ache and slept the morning away. The babies had taken their usual morning naps. Lunch consisted mainly of applesauce and pudding. I tried to feed Jadzia a grilled cheese but she wanted to be included and ate exactly what the boys did. For the afternoon all three of the big kids crashed until four. I fixed soup for dinner and more pudding for dessert which they were surprisingly thrilled about.
By bed time they were all back to themselves and trying to use their usual methods to delay bedtime. But Mama won like she always does and they are all tucked nicely in their beds. All but Inara anyway. She's on my lap giving me her usual blog input.

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