This week has been pretty calm other than the Tuesday Dentist appointment and the turtle bite but I think it's the calm before the storm. Next week I have something going on every single day and they will take up most of each day. This weekend is going to be a huge organization weekend. I plan to go through all the clothes I put in bags. Check them over really well and then put them in groups. I'm going to sell them over Craigslist or Ebay.
The money I make will go into the homeschool funds for art and science projects as well as field trips. Hopefully we'll sell a bunch and we can have an extra fun year. I think I'm going to do the same thing with the kid's extra toys. I think the idea is a good one because Isaac is really tired of us accumulating so much stuff. Instead of going out and buying more clothes and toys with it we can get some educational things as well as have some fun experiences.
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