I still remember my 20 week ultrasound with Jadzia. I had two beautiful boys and boys ran on my husband's side of the family. I was total prepared to be told I was having a third and we'd continue to have a house full of rough and tough boys. In my heart I felt she was a girl but I wasn't sure if that's because I knew or because at some point I really wanted to have a daughter whether it was this baby or in the future. I remember when the tech said "Yep, that looks like a little girl." I cried I was going to have a baby daughter. I don't remember much else from the ultrasound other than she looked perfect and I couldn't wait to get home and tell Isaac. Four ultrasounds later and Isaac still refused to believe she was going to be a girl. He had expected us to have all boys.

The day she was born I took the boys to the dentist while I was in labor. I told the dental assistant that I had just come from the doctor and I was 4cm dialated and the doctor said I wouldn't make it to the weekend. I must have traumatized the assistant because she's never forgotten it. We went to the mall after that and Isaac bought me a smoothie because I was feeling anxious and he thought one of my favorite treats would help calm me. We got home and he made a comment about something that was not hurtful in any way (I don't remember what it was) and I started crying. That's when he suggested we head to the hospital. I told him I wasn't in any pain just felt anxious and upset. He insisted anyway. We got to the hospital and I was a 7 and still no pain. Jadzia has been my only pain free labor. I wish I had known why because I would have mimicked it in the future. Her birth was truly peaceful.

After about two hours of labor Jadzia made her debut into the world and immediately announced herself to be the princess and this has not changed since. We are to blame because Jadzia means princess. Her middle name is Aishwarya it is Indian (The country not Native American) and a name my husband dearly loves. He wanted it as a first name but I thought it would be way too confusing so we compromised and used it for her middle name. Aishwarya means prosprous so she is our prosperous princess.

She opened her presents next. She got five Barbie dolls (two were given early), barbie clothes, dress up shows, play jewelry, a play phone with lip gloss, a Tinkerbell jacket and skirt, a unicorn pillow pet, and she had received her Frog and Lalaloopsy doll a bit earlier. We finished the party off by watching the new Tinkerbell movie.

Here is the link to Jadzia's montage I made a few months back. It's from birth to about two and a half.
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