We completed our first week of homeschool! I asked Landon what his favorite part of kindergarten is so far and he said writing the number 5 and everything else he got right. He has a real issue with getting things wrong. The rest of the morning we enjoyed, building a fort, pretending to be dinosaurs and a contest to see who could get Ronan to crawl to them.

When we got home the kids went down for a nap and I got to work on homework. I'm beginning to think I was crazy for taking a math course over the internet where I have to figure everything out from a text book alone. I'm so rusty since I haven't had to take any math classes since high school. Being a stay at home mom doesn't require much math other than subtracting the hours of sleep you're not getting, calculating how long until supper is on the table, or head counts after mall trips.
The cake Jadzia wants for her birthday has to be ordered a few weeks in advance so my mom and headed to the store. She got her groceries while I picked up a couple items for the kids. We made it home where I was pleasantly surprised to find that Isaac had organized the big kid's room for me. Well Isaac is in an organizing mood so I'm not one to deny his help so sorry for the brief blog but I got to go.
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