Jadzia's birthday is two weeks from today but I have all the kids signed up for many clubs which makes it seem like we are celebrating their birthdays for an entire month. We did the build a bear club a couple of weeks ago when we got her frog. Today it was time for her free Coldstone icecream. Her only wish was that it was pink icecream of some sort. She got a date out with just mom and dad. After the icecream we took her to look at toys and show us what she wanted for her birthday.

Here is Jadzia's newest masterpiece. I asked her what it's called and she said "The Princess." I asked her where the princess was and she pointed to the middle and then I asked her what the princess was doing and she said "she cleaning. She cleaning all this mess." Then she swept her hand over the entire painting. So from what I can gather there is this princess and the rest of the painting is the mess she is trying to clean.

I have decided we are actively going to pursue art in this house. I love to watch the creativity blossoming in my children. I'm going to do a lot of hands on learning this year so they can realize from the start learning can be fun. I don't think much is going on tomorrow. I think there will be a lot of relaxing to prepare for the packed week ahead. Isaac and I are going to watch a movie together with our little Inara bug so I'll blog more later.
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