Saturday, September 11, 2010

Finishing The Watercolors.

Jadzia's birthday is two weeks from today but I have all the kids signed up for many clubs which makes it seem like we are celebrating their birthdays for an entire month. We did the build a bear club a couple of weeks ago when we got her frog. Today it was time for her free Coldstone icecream. Her only wish was that it was pink icecream of some sort. She got a date out with just mom and dad. After the icecream we took her to look at toys and show us what she wanted for her birthday.We did our weekly grocery shopping while we were at the store and I picked up some more canvases so the kids could use up the watercolors from our last art endeavor. For supper the kids made their own pizza. They were pretty unoriginal they all chose just sauce, cheese and pepperoni but they had fun so that's what matters.
We decided to get right to work using up the watercolors. I quickly cleared the table and they began splattering paint on their fresh canvases. We will frame all three of them and put them up on their walls. We are going to have quite the art gallery going.

Here is Jadzia's newest masterpiece. I asked her what it's called and she said "The Princess." I asked her where the princess was and she pointed to the middle and then I asked her what the princess was doing and she said "she cleaning. She cleaning all this mess." Then she swept her hand over the entire painting. So from what I can gather there is this princess and the rest of the painting is the mess she is trying to clean.Next is Xander's. He did the same kind of thing he did with the last one and he had proclaimed from the beginning he was going to create a replica of his last work. He had a slightly smaller canvas to work with this time and he named it "The colorfulness of Australia". I have no clue how he arrived at that name but I believe it to be profound for a four year old. But I will proudly display "Continent" next to "The colorfulness of Australia."Landon's I thought was nicely done. He dubbed it "Artiful" I'm really not sure why and I'm pretty positive he made that word up but he did a great job. The painting really puts me in the mood for fall and has different textures to it. He also has a spot that looks like a pretty cool leaf.
I have decided we are actively going to pursue art in this house. I love to watch the creativity blossoming in my children. I'm going to do a lot of hands on learning this year so they can realize from the start learning can be fun. I don't think much is going on tomorrow. I think there will be a lot of relaxing to prepare for the packed week ahead. Isaac and I are going to watch a movie together with our little Inara bug so I'll blog more later.

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