Every night between midnight and 1am (whenever I get done with the tasks of the day and get ready to head to bed) I check on all the kids make sure their beds are dry and no one has had an accident. I take Jadzia potty to ensure she's dry and doesn't have a soaked bed until morning. Last night or early this morning whatever perspective you want to take Jadzia had had an accident. I got her up cleaned her, changed her then sanitized her mattress and changed all her bedding as I normally do. As I was getting ready to put her back to bed I realized she felt unusually warm. I got the thermometer out and almost immediately the numbers climbed to 102.5.
I asked her if she had any ouchies (I've found this to be the best way to get her tell me where she is hurting). She rubbed her head and simply said "hurt" I dug out the Tylenol and was wondering whether this indicated a couch night. Isaac thought the Tylenol would work and she should go back to her bed. As I was putting her back she threw up everywhere. Ugg she had just gotten her flu shot did her getting that just cause this? That was the thought buzzing through my head as I torpedoed her to the bathroom. For the sake of anyone reading this I will not go into bathroom details but let's just say it was not pretty.
My first priority was taking care of her I got her washed and changed and sat her on the upstairs couch next to daddy. Then I set to work and got all the bedding, stuffed animals, towels ect.. in the wash and sanitized any and all surfaces that were involved. Things finally settled down and we were able to all get to bed. When Jadzia woke up the next morning she still had a 102.5 temp and didn't want her breakfast. She was also coughing now with a bad runny nose. She spent most of the day on the couch with a sippy cup of pedialyte.
Isaac took over the errands of the day for me. He took Inara and the big boys to the chiropractor. Where the chiropractor reported Inara's neck was a lot better and she didn't need to be seen for three weeks. Isaac also mailed some vital letters and made a store trip for Pedialyte. Jadzia and I cuddled up on the couch and read stories. Ronan was content playing on the floor which I was pleased about because I would have included him in the festivities but I was worried Jadzia might be contagious. He had at one point given up on me, gotten bored and below was the result. After Jadzia fell asleep I did get some Ronan time in.

The rest of the day was pretty low key. I made the phone calls I needed to make. I actually talked to the psychiatrist on the phone today and he sounded perfectly normal to me. Of course I talked to him for about five minutes so that probably doesn't count but from the way the lady talked I was expecting to notices oddities about him almost instantly. He scheduled Ronan's appointment for a week from tomorrow.
By the time bedtime rolled around Jadzia's fever was down to 100 and she was running away from me every time I tried to force Tylenol down her. She normally does ok taking meds but this was the first time we had generic. You see last time I went to buy some Isaac had come along. He was browsing all the meds. He picked up the name brand and generic and said "Look, honey. The generic and name brand have the same exact active ingredients and the generic is four dollars less." I glanced "Hmm.. I guess you're right." We went with generic never pondering the possibility there may be a taste difference. Now after attempting to tackle my three year old every time she needed the Tylenol I'm starting to think that four dollars might have been a better investment than we had thought.
With the fever decline and the fact she was doing ballerina twirls at bedtime prayers I think this is a good sign she's on the mend. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. It is dental work day. This will take at least two hours so I'm bring class work along. I'll be out in the waiting room the whole time so I should hopefully get a lot done.

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