Today were three big events for Ronan. This entire week has been full of events for Ronan which in hind sight this might not have been a good week for him to make his television debut. I got him up early and I did decide to take Xander with me. We stopped at the eye doctor first where they determined he would need tear duct surgery. I've been assured this as simple as ear tubes, the only difference is it can take up to two hours instead of the quick half an hour at most for ear tubes. The surgery was scheduled for November 1st which was the first available appointment. Ronan's Ophthalmologist said he does over a thousand of these surgeries a year.

We rushed over to Ronan's orthopedic doctor to get his foot braces. Since Ronan's feet are as short as a 3-6 month old but much wider the size shoe he needed was too wide for the amount of Velcro on the shoe so his doctor attached an extra amount of velcro and they fit perfect. He will get new shoes and socks every 2 months (they have to be a certain type of socks to assure they don't wrinkle and cause blisters). He will get new custom braces every six months. Xander was thrilled with the choice of dinosaurs for the brace print. He hugged Ronan tightly and said "Thank you little buddy for liking dinosaurs!".

At this point it was 9:30 and we still hadn't had breakfast. The Gigi's playhouse event was for 10:00 and it was across town. We headed that direction but made a quick stop for doughnuts and strawberry milk, a favorite but rare treat for Xander. We made it to the playhouse just as the news crew was pulling in.

Once we were inside I set Ronan on the ground to play he looked around frantically then the tears started flowing. I quickly scooped him up but he nervously clasped his hands together by his face which is what he does when he gets scared. I comforted him. Xander wastes no time at all he meets a little boy named Roan who is four as well and has a little brother with Down Syndrome. They hit it off immediately.

The founder of all the Gigi's playhouses was there from Chicago and she actually remembered Ronan from the grand opening this last May. She suggests I take him to the quieter play area which I happily oblige. I set him on the ground and he is ok since no one else is over there. She rolls a ball to him and he surprisingly rolled it back. She spent quite a bit of time showing him how to work many different toys.

The time came that the news crew wanted to get Ronan on camera for the news. I pick him up and he buried his head in my shoulder. No matter what we tried he turned his head away from the camera. He did not want anything to do with being on camera. They did film him playing with a giraffe on the floor but he acted so shy I doubt he'll make the cut. They loved his glasses and the camera man really wanted to get him on but Ronan has a mind of his own. It's supposed to air next Wednesday at 10:00 but they will send out an e-mail so we know for sure the exact day and time. I'll post a link once it is up. Even though Ronan probably won't be in it the story should be good so everyone can see what Gigi's is all about.

I did discover two things today. One was almost all the other kids had braces almost identical to Ronan's the only difference was he was the only one that had the dinosaur pattern. Second I now realize how tiny Ronan is. The little boy Ronan is sitting next to is only ten months old. Ronan is seven months older.

After the news crew left we hung around and got in the group picture for the Gigi's web page then we left to head home for lunch. The afternoon passed quickly and before I knew it it was dinner time. I let the kids stay up a little late to watch the television premiere of WALL-E. Xander being a ornery boy bit up the hand on Jadzia's new Barbie . Jadzia was crushed so her dad let her have another one of her Barbies early and she was happy again. After the Barbie crisis was adverted the kids went to bed.

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