Two days ago I came home from one of Ronan's appointments and asked Isaac "Do you think fog emitting itself from the air conditioning vents in the SUV is a bad thing?" He gave me a look and replied "Well it's definetly not a good thing." And thus begin the series of events that would turn today into an incredibly long day.
Wednesday usually involves me taking Ronan to his private physical therapy session while my mother watches the rest of my kids. Today started no different except I knew I had to take Ronan to his nutrition appointment immediately after. Isaac (because he needed to check and see if he could get the SUV into the shop) , Xander and Jadzia came with us today so all my mom had to watch was Inara and Landon.
I have been blessed that my mother has an elementary Education degree, child life development degree, taught elementary school for over 20 years and has worked in daycare for over five now. She offered to do Landon's school for me today so I wouldn't have to cram it in when I got back. Seeing as she knows way more about teaching him than I do I jumped at the opportunity. I showed her my lesson plans and organized the books so everything would be easy to find then the rest of us set off.
Ronan's therapy was uneventful other than the fact he didn't really want to do anything. After that we headed to his nutrition appointment. I'm not sure I learned as much as I'd hoped. All she really suggested is to maybe puree my own fruits and vegetables for him and gave me a list of all the food groups he needs which is great if your kid can eat all those food groups without choking. I figure for now I'll just have to go with whatever solution the GI doctor comes up with and do my best to feed him.
After the nutrition appointment we went to see about the car and the guy said we could drop it off that afternoon. We then went grocery shopping and finally made it back home again. I got all the kids lunch put them down for naps and then my mom let us borrow her car so I could drive it and Isaac could drive the SUV and still have a way home from the shop. After dropping off the SUV Isaac and I went out to lunch which made the whole day worth it. I love having dates with my husband and they are one of the secrets to keeping our marriage happy and our friendship alive.
It was mid-afternoon by the time we got home and my mom wanted to head to the mall. Landon, Inara and I went a long with her. Our mission was to find a unicorn pillow pet for Jadzia's birthday. To understand the importance of this mission you have to understand the fact Jadzia has the last birthday of the year of my parent's grandkids. Starting with Landon my mom decided she would buy each of the kids a pillow pet for their birthday. Jadzia has watched as each of her siblings and cousins have gotten their pillow pet. She has begged and pleaded for a unicorn pillow pet. Everywhere she goes she tells everyone she is getting a unicorn pillow pet for her birthday.
We get to the store where my mom has bought all the pillow pets and they are sold out and the lady says they are on back order everywhere until October including the internet. We are starting to get worried and decide we'll try another mall but before we can Inara gets hungry so my mom and Landon enjoy an ice cream cone while I go nurse Inara.

Also going on at Build a bear was a super huge sale on Zhu Zhu pets. Zhu Zhu pets are little hamsters that my kids have been wanting for close to a year now. So each of the big kids got a Zhu Zhu pet. At this point I get a call from Isaac saying we needed to get home because he needed to pick up the SUV and my parent's had church tonight so our time was limited. We decided we should check one last store for the unicorn. Presto! There was the beautiful purple unicorn. My mom ran in to buy it in fear it would suddenly vanish out of existence. Landon got to ride a couple of rides while we waited for Grandma.

We made it home and my mom stayed with the kids while Isaac and I ran to get the SUV. We made it back in the nick of time for my mom to leave for church. We were told the SUV however is going to need a $1000 repair in the near future. Isaac researched to see if it was something he could do himself but decided it would have to be done by professionals. He then decided to look around and he finally found someone who would do it for $600 which is much better.
I gave the kids supper then it was pretty much time for them to go to bed and I haven't done any school yet. But besides the SUV needing $600 in repairs today was good. I got a date with my husband, Icecream with my son and my kids got some toys they'd been wanting for awhile. The little things help me realize life is good!
Oh that is awesome! Guess i better tell my mom if she's going to buy Kelsee a unicorn ( which is what Kelsee wants) she better start looking now! Kelsee's birthday is in December, but she really really wants a pillow pet and was upset when Tyler got one for his birthday and she couldn't use it! LOL