Right now my brain is mush so please bear with me tonight. I have been studying and completing mathematical equations, statistics and probability for the last three hours in hopes I will pass my math midterm on Tuesday. On top of that I have been on the go since around 6:00 this morning. I'm tired so this will probably be brief and incoherent. Here we go.
Jadzia and Ronan woke up sick so no church for them today. Jadzia stayed in her pjs and watched a little tv and played with her dolls on the couch. Meanwhile I got to work on the house but since I've been maintaining it was a lot easier. I'm finding that while the laundry does not pile up the sound of the washer and dryer are a near constant background noise now. When the others got back from church Landon came around front instead of going around the back. He hollered "Mom there's a package for you on the porch." I was confused seeing as it was a Sunday there should be no deliveries but taking him at his word I popped my head out on the front porch. Sure enough there was a box. We had been on the porch yesterday evening so this must have been a really late Saturday night delivery.

I at first assumed it was one of Isaac's ebay items but was surprised to see it was for the three big kids from Grandma Fullmer. She hadn't even informed me it was coming so it was a nice surprise for everyone. The kids could barely contain themselves as I removed the brown wrapping revealing a shoe box. "She got us a pair of shoes!" Landon yelled excitedly. "I wonder which of us can wear them." Xander stated enthusiastically. "Shoes! I want the shoes!" Jadzia chimed in.

"Hold on I don't think it's shoes I opened the box to reveal a stack of various books, stickers and construction paper. The kids went nuts. "Barbie! Barbie!" Jadzia screamed as she spotted the Barbie sticker book. Xander saw a dinosaur book, grabbed it, hopped down and started rummaging through it. Landon scanned everything intently. "Mom, construction paper! Can I draw right now?"

I took everything out of the box and they all agreed on who would get what. They were content the rest of the day playing with their brand new gifts. This evening there was an event Xander has been waiting for for weeks now ever since they first revealed it would premiere. He was overwhelmed with excitement as I told him tonight was the night Dino Dan was premiering on Nick Jr. As he watched the first 15 minutes he exclaimed. "I wish I could watch this forever!"

Now I'm off I have a feeling it's going to be a long night. Ronan has started wheezing so I have to keep an eye on him close tonight and give him breathing treatments. Poor baby, his asthma gets bad sometimes. I know it's the time of year and I'm trying not to think of winter this year. I'm hoping for less ER visits and hospital stays than last year. I thought I'd end tonight's blog with a cute picture of construction paper love.

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