Isaac and I went grocery shopping and as we were checking out Isaac started loading the milks back into the cart after they'd been scanned. "Wow seven gallons! Can you imagine how many cows they had to kill just for us to get these seven gallons." Isaac said this with a smirk on his face. The check out clerk jerked her head up and starred at Isaac as though he had a purple elephant tap dancing on top of his head.
The expression on her face turned very serious and her voice took on a lecturing tone." Sir we don't get cow's milk by killing poor cows that is how we get beef. You know like hamburger and steak. That's why milk is better than beef because we don't have to kill a cow. How would you figure we could get milk by killing a cow? You should look into it." As we walked away with a full cart I saw her shake her head a little. We headed out the exit and I whispered to Isaac "She completely thought you were serious!" and with that we both burst into laughter.
Isaac got all the kid's canvas paintings put up today. The walls in their room are beautiful and we look like we have our own little art gallery now. The kids were so excited to see how important we thought their art work is. I didn't get pictures before bed but I think I will tomorrow and I think I'm going to make little title cards to go under the painting with the name they gave each painting. For Xander we have "Continent", "The Colorfulness of Australia" and "World. Landon's are "Nature Falls" and "Lonely Red Tree". For Jadzia there is "Bunny" "Princess" and "Pink". They named them all themselves and I love their creativity.

I think I'm going to go watch a movie with Isaac and then I'm going to bed. Ronan had a rough asthma night last night so I think an early bed time is in order.

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