Ronan's sleep study appointment was the main priority today. I got up and got the three big kids ready for Grandma to come pick them up. Tuesday is my mom's day off so she stayed with the kids and Inara and my in-laws came and got the big kids while Isaac, Ronan and I were at his appointment. I was a bit apprehensive about this appointment because I thought we were going to have the same sleep doctor Jadzia had. This doctor is a good doctor and she assured Jadzia got the right treatment but I sort of clash with a few things she has said. The main one being her need to call Ronan a Mongoloid baby every few minutes.
I did try to put in a correction of telling her he is a boy that has Down Syndrome but that still didn't seem to fix the issue. Then I had thought about telling her that we don't have any ancestry from Mongolia so my son is definitely not a Mongoloid baby. I realize that there is still a lot of people who mean well and they think it's ok to call people with Down Syndrome a Mongoloid but for awareness purposes anyone reading this blog, parents who have children with Down Syndrome do not want their child called a Mongoloid. But I know after decades of that being an ok term it's hard for people to realize that that is now viewed negatively and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Plus I've heard much worse.
I knew however that Isaac is much more blunt than I am and he would tell the doctor exactly what he thought about her calling Ronan a Mongoloid baby. With all of this in mind I was thinking about what I would say if the matter arose but it ended up being a non issue because Ronan was given a different doctor for some reason. When this Doctor had to bring up the fact he has Down Syndrome she would say just that "because he has Down Syndrome" so I was relieved that conflict was averted.

The Doctor thought that Ronan probably has significant sleep apnea and that the sleep study should definitely be done. If apnea is shown then Ronan will have to have his tonsils out and since he is so little and has other health issues this will be a one to two day hospital stay and possibly longer if complications occur. This was I think inevitable anyway not only do children with Down Syndrome have a more likely occurrence of problems with tonsils but just being part of the Fullmer family put Ronan at risk for tonsil issues. Isaac, myself, Xander and Jadzia have all had to have our tonsils removed and not for minor sore throat issues but because of apnea and chronic severe infections. In the end I don't think Ronan's tonsils stood a chance.
The sleep study couldn't be scheduled until the end of November because of Ronan's eye surgery and then the sleep center was booked. I'm supposed to call every Friday to see if they possibly have a cancellation to get him in sooner. After the appointment we did go spend a couple of our Chic Fila coupons and then it was home. With the big kids out of town and my house and class work done I found myself able to take a nap while the babies were sleeping. I feel very refreshed. Tonight I had an extra treat. My mom and I went out to dinner and did a little shopping together.

When I got back home I noticed at four months of age Inara is semi mobile. She has been rolling from tummy to back since she was 7 days old but now she is rolling both ways, pivoting in a circle and slightly scooting forward. I found her half way across the room from the place I had left her only about ten minutes before. I'm bracing myself for baby chasing two little ones crawling in opposite directions. I'm thrilled that she is doing so well and pretty proud of her too.
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