As I'm getting ready to type this blog I noticed I didn't take any pictures of anything or anyone today. So I just had the idea I would post a few pictures of Landon's school work to show how well he's doing. The first picture shows how his reading ability is coming. I didn't help him at all. He had to read the word and then draw a picture which he drew completely by himself as well. The mug is my favorite. I love how he drew steam coming out of the top.

I'm very proud of him if you hadn't noticed. I can see now they are somewhat hard to see on here but I think you can get sort of an idea of how well he's doing. After taking these pictures I decided I did have one model still awake. Inara somehow talks me into letting her stay up late every night. I enjoy my extra time with her so it's more like mommy's idea and will be for as long as I can get away with calling her a newborn. That title is quickly fleeting from her and I feel a little sad about how fast all my babies grow up. I was reminded of that this afternoon. I had been cleaning, working on school with Landon and various other tasks and sat down to change Ronan before nap. I was talking to Xander about something and Ronan snuggled up to me. I was getting ready to tell everyone to head up for nap time when I looked down and saw Ronan already asleep with his head nestled on my chest.
I gently stroked his hair and just watched him for a minute. I've had countless amounts of these moments but I hold each one as precious and way too short. I thought about how one day the little boy in my arms would grow too big to be held this way. I will miss the spilt milk, the fights over lego towers, the finger print smudges and most of all I'll miss the moments when I held my babies close and they were so small they fit just perfect in my arms. I will miss the times when there was nothing more they wanted then for mommy to hold them and make them feel loved. Babies grow too quickly. I'm all too aware of that. That's why I try to hold onto each hug, treasure each kiss and in the midst of never ending chaos stop to breathe and realize how much of a gift the time with my children is.
With all that here are the last minute pictures of my already four month old.

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