This is post # 65 meaning I have a mere 300 posts left before I have met my goal. I'm surprised I've accomplished the blog this far and have not missed at least one night but my determination is holding strong. My mother in law contacted me to let me know she had found the rest of Inara's hand me down clothes. I had been desperately searching for Jadzia's old clothes to no avail. We have some things in storage at my in-laws. My in-laws have been generous enough to bring them down for me tomorrow and they are also taking the three big kids back with them for a couple of days. I have no clue what I will do with myself. When two or three of the kids are gone I kind of seem lost and unsure of what to do with myself.

I think this will be good because hopefully I can finally get my extra porch clothes sold and get ahead in school. I have to say thank you to my Mother in-law for not only finding and bringing the clothes down but also washing them for me. This evening I decided we should put the face paint I had bought for Jadzia to more use. I had the big kids look at the face painting booklet and pick out what they wanted. The book gave step by step instructions but I have not been too blessed in the artistic area.

Tomorrow I will have just the two babies and Ronan has a sleep study appointment. I think Isaac and I may have a little date and get a couple of our free Chic Fila sandwiches. I had participated in a promotion awhile back and was given about twenty free sanwich coupons from Chic Fila. We have slowly been using them up and whenever Ronan has a doctor's appointment on that side of town we try to grab lunch.

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