Today I was studying for my math midterm pretty much all morning and I found out I can have two pieces of paper front and back with whatever I want written on them. Plus my instructor put together three additional pages of formulas. I'm hoping I will do ok on it now and plan on going in tomorrow to take it. I did have some great entertainment this afternoon. Landon decided he was going to start his own tv channel called the LLF channel (Landon Lee Fullmer). He started off with a cooking show where he made fire truck soup. He warned all his viewers to stir carefully so they don't make their mother's kitchen a mess.

What I thought was the best part was when he went to a commercial and this is exactly how he stated his commercial "Are you tired of your baby crying all the time, do you dishes and laundry really stink, are your kids making you tired because they make you chase them all day? Come to the Landon hotel where we ensure you leave your baby at home. You can relax in the pool, have a massage, sleep or stay on Facebook all day. If you order room service we even bring the food right to your door! So come to the Landon hotel built by Daddy and Grandpa Fullmer!"

I have to say I was pretty surprised and couldn't stop laughing through his entire advertisement. He's convinced me. Mama should go on vacation to the Landon hotel! Next He returned to his cooking show then the next show was dancing with God. It was where he danced around the room and prayed at the same time. In case you are wondering yes he is wearing the same shirt he wore in Saturday's and Sunday's blog. No, he has not worn a dirty shirt for four days. It has been washed each day and I put it back in his closet each morning. If you haven't guessed by now it's his favorite shirt and because I let the boys choose their clothes (within reason) he has picked that shirt everyday for the last four days. I just washed and dried it tonight so it will be back in his closet tomorrow and most likely he will be wearing it tomorrow as well.
I went through some old books today and I came across a book that helped me to greatly understand my husband. We have never had the absolute perfect marriage, we fight, we annoy each other and sometimes we don't even want to be in the same room with each other. This was even more so when we were first married and I was 19 and still very immature. I had no clue how to be a wife. We even had the classic which way the toilet paper should point fight. About a year into our marriage I found a book called "The Five Love Languages".
Through this book it tells that everyone has a love language and chances are your spouse's is completely different than yours. If you do not learn your spouses love language then their love bank starts to empty but if you learn to speak their language then it fills back up. The five love languages are: Words of affirmation, quality time, Acts of service, gifts and physical touch. I have two and they are words of affirmation and quality time. This is why I would whine he never says this or that to me. He never wants to spend time with me. He would say you never do this or that for me. After reading this book I took the quiz in the back and discovered my husband was hands down acts of service. I had not been speaking his love language. I'd been telling him how awesome he was and how much I loved him but it did not fill up his love bank. He wanted me to show him that I loved him by what I did for him. This does not mean he wanted a slave it merely meant me keeping the house clean, making him a sandwich or bringing him a glass of milk was how he felt I loved him.
Once I learned this about him he made a lot more sense to me and I was able to learn how to show my husband love in a way he would realize it and appreciate me for it. Just as I get sad if he doesn't say certain things or spend time with me that's how it felt for him when I didn't want to do something he really wanted me to. As I said before this doesn't mean I'm supposed to be his slave it just means once in awhile if I can do a little extra something for my husband I'm speaking his love language. On my end I have also learned that as I thought words of affirmation were how I should show him love he thinks gifts is how he should show love to me. By learning this about him I've been able to appreciate him more even when he gets my love language wrong because I know how he is truly trying to make me feel loved.
I just thought I'd share a book that really helped me in my marriage and by no means do we have it all figured out. I'm positive we will still have our ups and downs but I'm glad I gained insight into why my husband does what he does. It's like in the movie "Fireproof" they said "Fireproofing doesn't mean the fire won't come it just means that when it does come you'll be able to withstand it." I pray daily Isaac and I will continue to fireproof our marriage.

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