I decide to get this blog done a little early tonight so I can have everything done and I can be in bed at a sensible time. Tomorrow is Ronan's eye surgery and so far so good in the breathing department. If he is up to par tomorrow we will be up at 5:00 am for a 6:00 am check in and surgery scheduled for 6:30 am. He may or may not have a stint put into his tear ducts. The doctor will decide once he attempts to balloon his tear ducts if he thinks a stint will be needed to hold the tear duct open. The stint will be similar to ear tubes but will be visible. I'm trying to prepare myself for him having tiny rods sticking out of his eyes for six months. My mom has a day off from work tomorrow so she will be up bright and early to stay with my other kids so Isaac can accompany Ronan and I to Ronan's surgery.

Today the morning seemed to be chilled with a fall frost. I dug the kids' coats out for the first time since March but by the time church was over the air had warmed and jackets would have sufficed. I'm still trying to deal with the fact tomorrow is November 1st and the holidays are sneaking up on me and another year has zoomed by. I'm not sure how this happens but it seems I wake up one morning to cold January snow and with a couple of blinks we're back to the festivities of December.

Sunday school lesson for the kids was Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The kids colored pictures and were pretty proud of them. Landon was able to dictate pretty clearly how the story took place. He has always been good at retaining things and remembers events clear back from when he was around the age of 18 months.

Inara's foot is much better today and after much discussion my mom and I figured out how she got the hair around her toes in the first place. She loves to hold onto my hair when she eats. Our hypothesis is that she was holding onto my hair and pulled a strand of hair out and then when I put her down she grabbed her feet transferring the hair to her toes and from there it became a jumble mess of tangled toes. Isaac suggested that I could always shave my head but I informed him that I think keeping Nair in the first aid kit was a better option to which he replied he was glad he wouldn't have to buy me wigs. I thought about taking it further and pointing out the same thing could occur with a wig but I let it go because I knew he would shoot something back with his quick wit. It's time to start the journey of getting five little heads to their beds so until tomorrow this is all.

Ronan kept stealing Inara's elephant but with her trying really hard to get mobile I don't think he'll get away with it much longer.
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