We went back to see the Dr. and Landon gave a huge spiel about how he knew he needed glasses because his vision was horrible. The doctor examined his eyes and did a thorough exam. The dr. came to the conclusion Landon was only borderline near sighted and it would be at least another year before he might need glasses. Landon left almost in tears. He pointed out every kid in the ophthalmology waiting room. "Look he has glasses and he has glasses! Everyone else in the world has glasses but me!" I pointed out Xander, Jadzia and Inara didn't have glasses to which he replied "Babies don't count." I could have pushed it further to bring up Ronan as a baby had glasses but I thought it would be counter productive to bring up yet another glasses wearer.

As soon as we got home it was OT time for Ronan. He had an awesome day and did just about everything she wanted him to do. He really showed of his skills and on his summary sheet his OT wrote in big letters: "Great day for Ronan!!!".

For supper my brother and his wife came over. We had pizza and then my sister in law had made cookie dough. She has a huge collection of cookie cutters so she brought them along as well. She let each of the kids pick a few shapes and they each got to cut out their own cookies. They baked and then they frosted them and put the sprinkles of their choice on them. After they enjoyed their work it was clean up time. Caleb and Landon were having a race to see who could fill their lego tote the fastest. Caleb's was almost to the top and Landon's was about half full. Xander came in to join, looked at both their totes and loudly proclaimed he and Caleb were a team. Xander contributed two legos and he proudly stated he and Caleb were the winners.

This sums up our day and now it's movie time for Isaac and I.
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