I remember the first time I ever tried muddie buddies, it was in the fourth grade. The popular girl in school brought them and she actually shared them with everyone in the class. Granted our class size totaled seven people but this was still cool seeing as she was the popular girl. Also seeing as she was the popular girl muddie buddies caught on as a wild fire and everyone in all the grades were suddenly asking their parents for muddie buddies. Back then we referred to the snack as puppy chow. I recall being concerned about the name and worried it was a trick but at the age of nine you want to fit in so I waited until a couple of other kids gave it go and I went for it. I was pleasantly surprised.

Since that fourth grade school year I have come across muddie buddies a few more times. Yesterday while grocery shopping I came across an end cap of cereal and after glancing at the back of the box ( Yes I have a strange habit of studying the nutritional ingredients in different items during grocery shopping). This box had a recipe for muddy buddies and that's when it struck me that the time had arrived to pull my children into the childhood bliss of muddie buddies.

I got all the ingredients and they each chose some they were in charge of. After preforming each designated task we had finally completed our batch of muddie buddies. There I stood ziploc bag in hand with three very excited children in front of me. My kitchen was severely injured in the ordeal. My children had melted chocolate in the tiny grooves of their hands and fingers and they had peanut butter smudged on their faces all from the joy of licking the bowl the ingredients had been mixed in. I cleaned them all up and gave them each a hand full of muddie buddies in their own little bowls. The grins on their faces was well worth the work of repairing my kitchen. Would it have been much easier to have forgone the messy kitchen and dirty little hands and faces? Absolutely. But who can deny their children the pure joy of creating something delicious with their mother or deny them the sweet smell of something magical your mother had just allowed you to partake in.

This was the highlight of our day. The rest of the day was a typical Sunday. We did have popcorn and m&ms while we watched Home makeover. We had to watch it tonight because it was about a family who had adopted six children with Down Syndrome. I thought it was an awesome episode. Well I'm off to watch a movie with Isaac so until tomorrow this is it.

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