I saw an arrow that pointed to suites 360- 349. 349 that was what we wanted I turned the corner to a very dimly lit hallway. I had a brief thought that maybe I should turn around and run back to the parking lot. No! you can do this, toughen up, Ang. I prodded myself the whole way until there we stood in front of suite 349. The room was smaller than I expected and there was no receptionist just a stack of papers with a sign that gave instructions for you to fill out the paperwork. I completed the paperwork as a white haired main with wire rim glasses popped his around the office window. He copied our insurance card and led me back to a room. No couch to lay on. Just a bunch of chairs, a desk and many different types of toys.
He pulled out a booklet five pages with about twenty question on each side and began asking away. Wow he really was going to dissect Ronan atom by atom. I tried to put nervousness aside in fear he would begin to analyze why I looked so distracted. The questions went on for a good while and I answered them as honestly as I could and I would throw in explanations here and there. Then came time for him to observe Ronan's interactions to toys and devices. He placed a rattle in front of Ronan. Ronan shook it for a second and then put it straight to his mouth. After about the third toy The psychologist said "Hmmm.. he likes to put things in his mouth a lot." "Yes, he's teething?..." I knew I sounded unsure as if I didn't know my son was getting teeth. Was it abnormal for him to put things in his mouth? Every time he wrote something down I wished I had superior vision so I could visualize every remark and observation he was making of my son.
I had to laugh at one point because The Dr. was trying to see if Ronan would look for a dropped toy. The Dr. dropped the toy and Ronan just starred intently at the Dr. As soon as the Dr. turned to make his notes Ronan looked at the ground and scooped up the toy. Ronan ended up getting bored halfway through the testing and fell asleep. After everything was done we headed home to get ready to go to the pumpkin patch. Since Isaac is out of town my dad went to help and my mom watched the two babies.

The pumpkin patch was a blast with many activities. There was a corn pool which was Xander's favorite. I jumped right in with them and we had fun rolling and jumping around in corn. Xander tried running from one end to the other but with the weight of hundreds of kernels of corn pulling at his legs it looked as though someone had hit a slow motion button.

Next we went to see the farm animals and the kids especially liked seeing the gots who crossed these ramps that led really high in the air. After the animals it was this little fairy tale village complete with an Alice in Wonderland tea party, fairy tale wood cut outs and the three little pigs' playhouses. The kids tromped around those for awhile and then moved on to the hay bulls and pedal tractors. Next we made our way to the giant jump pillow. Jadzia was a bit intimidated by everyone jumping around her but I think eventually she began to calm down and enjoyed it. They had fun getting lost in the hay maze.

The giant slide was one of the biggest hits and wore them out because after they slid all the way down they had to climb all the way up the hill to do it again. After the fifth time of hill climbing they were ready for a drink and we headed back to the store. After a break of drinks and carmel candy it was pumpkin picking time. Jadzia thought of her sister first when she came running with the tiniest gourd in the bunch yelling " I find Inara pumpkin!". After much search and debate the pumpkins were chosen and we headed inside for purchase. An elderly gentlemen thought Xander was cute standing with next to his pumpkin and asked to snap a picture. I agreed and Xander posed with a big hug around his pumpkin.

We left red faced and exhausted. When we got home I thought aliens had abducted my oldest child when he proclaimed he wanted broccoli for supper. Not wanting to deny this sudden desire for healthy eating I fixed him broccoli and you know what the even bigger surprise was? He actually ate it. My vegetable, phobia stricken son asked for and ate broccoli. My hubby is home a night early so I'm off to have some family time.

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