Jadzia woke up today with her braids still intact and no hair knots! I'm hoping this means we've found the long term solution and I will not have to have a bald daughter. We did the usual school and then I got a call from Isaac saying we might be having company. I can't have people over especially people who have never been over to my house before and have it not look perfect. As I posted before I have to have the house at least pretend to be presentable even when the weekly therapists come over even though I've gotten comfortable with having them over.
Minutes of hanging up the phone I made a mad dash to do a deep clean of my house. I find that it's always the initial motivation of starting the deep clean but as soon as I get going I kind of go crazy and start scrubbing places only microscopic people would ever be able to see. Finally I was happy to have a fresh smelling, deeply cleaned house. Turns out the company never came over. I was ok with it because it had given me the motivation I needed to have.
I'll explain Isaac for a minute. We are pretty much polar opposites and that is how we function. He is brutally honest and I try to make sure everyone feels happy and ok with what I've said to them (well unless you say something bad about one of my babies then you get Mama bear). Isaac also has a phobia of germs and is completely organized and let's just say organization has never been my forte. I've had to learn with five small children that organization and schedules are the best practices I can assume but it comes far from natural to me.
This brings us to today. I accomplish the basics and when I have time I try to go further but there is still often times there are toys here and there or paperwork that needs filed but after my deep clean the house looked museum quality. Isaac came home from work very happy with how it looked. Then he started " I bet the house couldn't stay this way always." "Probably not." I acknowledged and added "But I try to give it a good go. "
"I want to try an experiment." "uh-oh.." I knew how his experiments went. "I challenge you to keep the house this clean until the end of the year and if you can do it I'll have the most amazing surprise for you." I was immediately skeptical "You realize we have five small children right? Three of which are old enough to have mini tornadoes following behind them causing destruction zones every few feet?" "I just mean after they go for naps and then bed you make sure it is back to this condition every single day. I'll even throw in a clause for if you come down with the flu, that if you experience that you can be excused for the day." "Wow thank you for permission not to clean if I experience a high fever and the non-ability to keep food down." "Sure, anything for my girl!"
"ok fine I'll give it a try and see if I can keep our house a super human looking house until January but if I do it better be the best surprise ever!" I realized after agreeing to this there is a good chance I will fail at least one day so I'm trying not get my hopes up for the surprise but on the other hand I really want that surprise and to be able to say I defeated Isaac's challenge. So here it is can I manage five small children, home school, go to college and keep a spotless, perfect house until January? This isn't just a maintained house or one that is decent and seen as clean and manageable. We are talking spotless and deep cleaned on a daily basis (My husband's Utopia). I'm doubting myself but I'm also very stubborn so we'll see how it goes. I decided I'd post it on here because now it is not just a spoken challenge but a challenge etched into blogger history. I want that surprise!

For the evening I went to work on Xander's pumpkin and instead of hearing about my carving skills I heard about my pumpkin cleaning skills. Xander begged for most of the day for me to get to his pumpkin and was pleased when I got out the carving equipment after supper. About a third of the way through cleaning it he popped his head in my way and peered into the pumpkin. "Eww mom, that's really gross! How can you do that?" "Because I love you and you wanted a carved pumpkin." "oh... Well don't touch me until you take a shower!" I was half way tempted to get up and chase him around the house without washing the pumpkin goo from my hands but time indicated I remain focused on my task.
I carved out the bat he had chosen and he was happy even though I kind of diced one of the bats ears a little too much. But Xander's satisfaction was all that mattered. And here it is:

Here are the two boys' together:

Tomorrow I tackle Jadzia's and I need to search and find a cat pumpkin template which is what she wanted.
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