Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mom's Mini vacation

Today was like a vacation for me. The big kids were still at Grandma's and the house was picked up and I was done with the clothes sorting. I spent the majority of the day working on trying to get Ronan to walk and just have fun with him in general. Inara is starting a fun stage where she is grabbing at everything and I had a lot of fun trying to get her to turn and get a toy she was interested in. After the morning it was nap time and I knew that tomorrow things would return to the blessing of five and I decided to get one more nap in.

After a very refreshing sleep I got up to fix dinner for Ronan and myself. Isaac was still at his porch remodel and afterward he had to go get our SUV looked at yet again. My husband loves his SUV and plans on continue to fix it until he absolutely can't. This time there were tire issues that went along with alignment trouble. It looks like another trip up to his parents will be in order to have the better mechanic complete the work. Not only will the mechanic save us money but he does a good job.
In the evening I received a phone call from my Mother in-law. She stated that Xander was limping on his leg again. She had called me the first night the kids had gone up there to let me know he was complaining his leg really hurt and didn't want to walk on it. At one point it got so bad he was gripping the wall when walking but by the next morning he seemed back to normal. Today they played really hard outside and sure enough at the end of the day Xander was limping again. I talked to him over the phone and from what I can gather the pain is near his upper leg joint near his hip. He did have a fall on Monday where he cried but had refused to let me know where he was hurt. Xander has a tendency to act tough unless it gets really bad. He had seemed fine after the fall but now I'm wondering if he pulled a muscle. If he's still limping pretty bad by the time he gets back a doctor's visit may be in order.

I am going to bake some cookies and then Isaac and I have a movie to watch so until tomorrow goodnight.

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