Ronan's teacher came over today for his bi-monthly visit. While she was over I received a phone call from his GI doctor asking me if we could make it to Ronan's appointment a half an hour early because they were closing due to weather. I said I would try but that Ronan was in the middle of a teaching session. Ronan wasn't being too cooperative today and just wanted to snuggle with his teacher rather than work on play skills. His teacher left me a binder full of new signs to learn.
We made it to the GI appointment a half an hour early as they had requested. Ronan's GI doctor is concerned about how his swallow study showed his food was getting stuck. He wanted to schedule an endoscopy for first thing tomorrow morning but we're supposed to be getting a blizzard and he didn't want chance it. He scheduled the endoscopy for first thing Thursday which is when things should be clear again. Until then I'm to only feed Ronan pureed foods.

Ronan's GI doctor was also concerned about the high dose of Prevacid he's been on he said it was double the limit for someone Ronan's age. He wants me to cut Ronan's dose in half immediately. When the doctor goes in to do the scope on Thursday if he finds that Ronan's esophagus has begun to collapse then he'll fix the problem right then.
I had speech class tonight. I gave my first speech last week and was unsure of how I did. I got my results back tonight and I had 20 out of 20 points. My instructor put all positive comments on my paper. I was relieved because I thought I had done a lot worse because I had been pretty nervous.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. Ronan has an eye appointment. Ronan's eye doctor thinks Ronan's reoccurring eye bruising might be a damaged vessel from his surgery. After the eye appointment we have a couple therapy visits and then another doctor's appointment. It is unclear as to whether this pending storm will impede any of these planned appointments.
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