Today has been two days for the time of one. When I look back at what was this morning it feels like it actual occurred yesterday and I could probably divide the day in half and get two blog posts out of it. But we'll cram everything into one. Here we go, long story as short as possible.
Ronan and I were out the door by 8:30 on our way to Ronan's feeding clinic. After the entire ordeal I now understand why they only schedule one child per day for this clinic. We were led back almost immediately upon arrival. The therapists, coordinator and nutritionist came in and introduced themselves. They explained what we were going to do and what part I had in the entire thing. The first part was watching me feed Ronan from a one way window. Ronan gobbled down his yogurt but wouldn't make an attempt at the cereal bar or softened apples. This was unusual because normally if it looks like food Ronan will attempt to eat it.

The second step was the therapists' turn. They fed him various foods and gave him pediasure
from both the cup and bottle. The third part involved the OT playing with Ronan on the floor. The entire process took two hours. We were then told to take an hour break for lunch and then come back. Ronan and I grabbed a bite but still had plenty of time left. We walked around the grocery store and then headed back. The coordinator gave us the assessments.
Ronan's calorie intake is within normal limits for his age. They want him to stay on the extremely soft/pureed foods and then use therapy to help him transition to full table foods. They are also going to help get him off the bottle. Ronan only chews with his front teeth so a lot of the therapy will work on getting him to move his tongue properly and get the food to the back.

We made our way home after the evaluation and I had just enough time to feed Ronan and put the kids down for a nap. My mom had the day off so she sat with the kids while Isaac and I ran to tour a school we're considering for the boys next year. Xander would be in kindergarten and Landon 1st grade. I liked the programs and curriculum the school had to offer. We're going to look at a couple more schools before we make our final decision.

A short time after coming back from the school appointment I left with my parents for some shopping. Inara and Xander were joining us and we were going to the mall. Xander had wanted the Jedi costume at build a bear so he and Landon could battle. I received a coupon for a free animal for this weekend only. I decided we'd get his build a bear early this year.I was sure to explain to him that this was his official build a bear for this year.

When we arrived at the mall I realized Inara had taken this time to overflow her diaper. I then proceeded to feel the urge to kick myself for forgetting the diaper bag. My mom told me not to worry because she would get her a new outfit and then we'd make use of those way over priced, dollar per diaper machines. We made our way to Children's place. My mom picked her out a shirt with a crown and it said "I rule at Grandma's". She also got some cute pink pants and a jean jacket since there didn't seem to be any long sleeved shirts in stock and there was a slight wind out. Here is a baby makeover. Above is before diaper explosion and below is after.

We headed to the upper level of the mall to the food court bathrooms. None of the diaper machines were working. I walked over to the mall office and they had a security officer bring me a replacement diaper. The little box it came in had no wipes included so we made use of the sink and paper towels. This was not the ideal diaper change. But it sufficed. Inara looked adorable in her new outfit and finally we headed to build a bear.

Xander picked a chocolate puppy with a white eye patch. The Jedi costume suited his puppy and he named him Spot. The diaper fiasco had cut into the day and it was edging closer to dinner time and Xander announced he was too hungry. We grabbed him a quick cookie then headed to the grocery store. I did a little grocery shopping while my mom got her week's worth.

Isaac was happy to see me walk through the door. He thought we had gotten lost. Now that I've been going non stop I'm going to get to bed early. I have a busy morning tomorrow. Ronan gets to meet a therapy dog and then I have to do some last minute running for Landon's birthday this next week.

Speaking of birthdays I thought of the perfect thing for Inara to wear to her ladybug birthday in June.
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