My day summed up in one sentence entails a Chuck E Cheese birthday party, 3 hours of swimming and an ER visit. Now to detail all of that somehow in a single blog which is going to be rather long. The plan of the day was to have Landon's birthday at Chuck E Cheese thanks to my awesome parents who took care of everything for it and my mother in-law who brought everything else we needed. The plan was that swimming would follow the party. My in-law's had a booth at a gun show in our area and were staying at a hotel with a pool.

The swimming would be followed by dinner at a restaurant and all these sequence of events lead up to the ER visit. We arrived at Chuck E Cheese 15 minutes early. We had a hostess who helped things run smoothly. We started with games and each child who attended got 20 tokens and Landon got 100. Ronan and Inara even rode some of the kiddie rides. Games went on for about an hour and half before everyone was called back to the table to eat and watch the party show.

Landon had a Batman cake and Chuck E Cheese came out to present Landon with a crown and watch him blow out his candles. Pizza and cake were done and Landon got to go into the ticket blaster machine to try and win as many tickets as he could grab. They had bigger tickets that were worth increments of 50, 100, and 200 tickets. Landon got about 500 from the machine plus the near 1000 he had already won. He cashed them in for a car, some clay and other various trinkets.

He opened presents and was pleased he'd gotten pretty much everything he asked for. We cleaned up the party with the help of our hostess. My mother in-law and I decided to take Landon to Toys R Us to spend the birthday money since it was less than a block away. He got two hot wheels trucks and a dinosaur monster truck. Toys R us was having a sale buy 2 get 1 free on hot wheels items. We met everyone back at the house. My mom was sitting with the babies during their nap so I could take the big kids to my in-laws hotel to swim. Isaac was meeting up with his dad at the gun show.

At the hotel we got the kids in their swim gear and then Grandma Fullmer and I spent forever trying to inflate arm floaties, air tires and a beach ball. We made our way to the pool and let the kids splash around for about three hours. Xander got a little bold at one point and started bobbing a bit. He took his floaties off and stepped out too deep. I quickly grabbed him up and ordered him to get his arm floaties back on. Back in the hotel room the boys played with Landon's new birthday presents. We shared popcorn since we were all pretty hungry and dinner was a ways off. If we had only known then how delayed dinner actual would be we might have shoved a lot more popcorn down.

Isaac and his dad finished the gun show for the day and met us at the room. We had quite a few bags full of birthday toys and swim suits. I grabbed them all and Isaac reminded me I needed to switch car seats from my in-law's car to our car. My mother in-law offered to come with and help. Unable to contain the anticipation of restaurant pancakes for dinner the kids tagged along. I had piled all the bags in the car and hooked one car seat in. I returned to my mother in-laws car to grab Landon's as I was headed back to my car I hear My mother in-law yell and Jadzia begins wailing like I''ve never heard her before.

My mother in-law was telling me I needed to get over there. I dropped the car seat and ran around. Jadzia was pulling her right hand and blood was seeping everywhere. My mother in-law explained what happened. " I handed Xander his carseat and then shut the door. Jadzia's hand was right there and I didn't know it. I thought she had just hit her head and then I looked down and all four of her fingers were shut in the door." I was too skittish to look at the damage and asked my mother in-law to assess. She is a braver soul than I because she looked over Jadzia's hand and told me to call Isaac because her pointer finger definitely needed stitches.

I called up to the room to tell Isaac what happened and that he needed to come down. Jadzia was still screaming hysterically at this point. I took a deep breath and looked at her finger it was bleeding profusely and my mother in-law found a napkin to apply pressure. The blood was in the way of seeing the true extent but it looked like a huge gash was hanging from the side of the finger tip. I called my mom to let her know we'd be longer getting back to the babies and then we bolted for the hospital. I held her finger on the way trying to apply pressure but the blood kept seeping through the Kleenexes. We were on about the tenth Kleenex by the time we had completed the ten minute ride.

I took her in and showed them the damage. They didn't even triage her and took her straight on back to the peds unit. She had stopped screaming but her face was sullen and her lip had a pout. One of the nurses brought her a stuffed cat, a book and stickers to keep thinking it would cheer her up but she just sat there sad. They put something on gauze and wrapped it around her finger to stop the bleeding and the bleeding slowed some. They x-rayed her hand to look for fractures which showed the bones in her hand were fine. They gave her some medicine that would make her sleepy and forget the trauma so they could numb her and get the stitches in.

She was loopy and we knew the medicine began to work and she was giggling a bit. They put Tinkerbell in to further distract her. She sobbed when they gave her the numbing shots. Once the doctor was sure they were working she began to suture. She had to cut some on the finger because it was tore up quite a bit and this would allow for less stitches and it would heal fine. Total she got five stitches on her tiny finger. They sent her home on pain medication and home care instructions. She has to got back to her pediatrician in 10 days for removal of her stitches. Grandma Fullmer gave Jadzia money to get a new doll to help her feel better.

It was getting late but the kids had been promised pancakes and the ER doctor gave the ok for Jadzia to go if she felt up to it and she did. Each of the kids got a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes and us very hungry adults enjoyed finally being able to eat. We went to fill Jadzia's prescription and while there we got her a fairy doll. She told me she wanted a Tinkerbell barbie but she already has one so we got her one of the other fairies to go with Tinkerbell.

I had her in bed but she woke up crying so her and I are on the couch together tonight. This has been a very long day. Because of all the meds and everything going on Jadzia won't be going to church tomorrow and I think we'll rest up. Monday my school starts up again and I have a week of appointments. I'm not sure how my spring break has seemingly vanished.
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