Inara had her nine month check-up today. The weather was slightly chilly when we left mid morning but not cold enough to warrant coats. I got to use Inara's new jacket my mom got her on Saturday from the diaper incident. To cover her ears and for an adorable accessory I put Jadzia's pink flower hat on Inara. Everywhere I took Inara people stopped me to tell me how adorable she was and how much they loved her hat.

We waited only around five minutes in the waiting room when the nurse called us back. Inara jabbered happily at the nurse. She weighed 18lbs 13 ounces and was 28 inches. All of this put her in the 50th percentile for weight, the 70th percentile for height and then she was 60th percentile for head size. She's pretty average for weight and then having a daddy who is 6'4" gives her some tall genes.

Inara loved herself in the mirror. She kept attempting to kiss herself in the mirror. I was leery at first about germs but the nurse assured me they sanitize it after every kid because kissing one's self is a popular baby activity. I still tried to have her avoid it but she snuck a few smooches in while I was snapping pictures of her self inflated cuteness.

Inara and I got some things to make Landon's birthday dinner tomorrow. He requested tacos and I had none of the ingredients at home. He also wanted doughnuts for breakfast and I decided this was a reasonable request for a birthday boy. I picked up all his official requests for tomorrow and then we went home to get everyone down for a nap before the big dentist appointment.

I learned my lesson in September and arranged for my mom to watch Inara so I could have Isaac's help with the oldest four at the dentist. With Xander's severe dental phobia I knew I would need him. I was glad I did because when they came to take Xander for an x-ray Isaac was able to go and hold Xander on his lap. For the first time ever they were able to get an x-ray of Xander. I'm proud to report no one had any cavaties this time. Jadzia has had zero cavaties indicating her obsessive teeth-brushing mentality has paid off. She didn't even have any stains and the doctor was pleased.

Landon has one week to lose his second bottom middle tooth. I was unaware that if a child doesn't lose their paired teeth within a short period of each other it can cause the teeth to be more crooked or different heights. For this reason if his other tooth is not out in a week the dentist will pull it. The tooth is a tiny bit loose so there is a chance he'll lose it before then.

We ended up having the tacos tonight because my mom decided she wanted to bring Landon a special dinner after she got off work tomorrow. Landon was more than pleased to have tacos tonight instead. He is thrilled to be turning six tomorrow and I can't believe it's been that long since my first baby was born. Time is ever moving and I agree completely with the saying "The days are long but the years are short."
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