The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Turning into a Two Year Old
According to Ronan's therapist he is becoming a two year old. This is the explanation for his recent assertion of his will. Ronan no longer takes things from anyone and freely lets you know when he is dissatisfied. This became apparent when he had a full out all for everything meltdown in the midst of therapy this morning. In fact his therapist and I saw a plethora of Ronan emotions.When his therapist first arrived Ronan buried his head in my lap unwilling to give her the slightest glance. With much prodding from me he decided the ball toy she brought was worth relenting his shyness. He picked up one of the balls and moved it around his hands. He however did not find watching the balls fall down the ramp appealing because it meant he had to let go of the ball in his hand.He did have a triumph today. While Ronan has been taking independent step to me from other objects like the couch he has never stood up from the middle of the floor and taken steps. The middle of the floor is much more complex because he has nothing to stabilize himself on from the start. Today Ronan would stand up and take about 2-3 steps. After we played the step game for awhile his therapist tried to get him to put giant plastic coins in a piggy bank. Ronan found that releasing the coins was the worse thing imaginable and this resulted in the all out temper tantrum described above. A rather short time later Ronan forgot about the coin ordeal and was friends with his therapist again and even tried to sneak a couple of hugs in. As you can see in the other pictures Ronan is not wearing his glasses and hearing aides this is because Ronan got mad at them today and snapped the strap. I'm attempting to fix them but I may have to take them in.Spring is almost here and that is why today we broke out the sunglasses in preparation for going outside. We plan on taking walks around the lake again. This is a two mile walk. We bring wagons and strollers but the boys run most of the two miles. I usually have to tell them to slow down so we can catch up.Inara is enjoying her new off belly crawl and is even faster at getting into trouble. She has also begun pointing which is rather cute. This started today. Isaac pointed at her and she pointed back and giggled. Above is Xander trying to help Ronan through a meltdown. Ronan wanted a snack and I couldn't make it right then so he fell apart. Xander comforted him. I think a lot of the problem is communication. Ronan gets very frustrated when he feels he's not getting his message across. But he has lots of helpers who love him a lot.
Awwww sorry Ronan had such a rough day today but glad to see the older boys pitching in and taking a little bit of your load off! Cute sunglasses!!!