For some unknown reason Jadzia has begun to make a habit of wearing her tights or pants on her head. She seems to think it makes her look like a princess but I think today her tights seemed to make her look more like the court Jester. Upon removal of the tights I realized Jadzia's hair is now thicker and about an inch passed her shoulders. It would seem the haircut Isaac gave her has left her with healthier growth.

Speaking of hair Inara's bald spot has pretty much vanished and her hair is thicker. She was born with a ton of hair and about half fell out but it is coming back. As long as she doesn't gain her sister's hair pulling habit She should have a full head of long hair by 18 to 24 months. I'm pretty excited to put bows in it and give her cute pony tails.

The boys earned another Patch club pin at church today. They have the most out of all the kids. They receive pins for attendance, saying verses and completing their devotion books. Once they have enough pins they get a wheel pin. I'm pretty proud of them.

This week is going to be busy. We have an appointment almost everyday with Friday being a particularly long day. Next week is Spring break from my classes as well as Landon's birthday. Landon was excited because today was birthday Sunday at church. On birthday Sunday everyone with a birthday in that month gets a candy bar. Landon chose a butterfingers. He was sad at the end because he had wanted to share a piece with his dad and forgot and ate it all.

"Daddy, pick me up!"
your kids are beautiful