The day arrived for the stitches to be removed from Jadzia's finger. She was excited to have the black removed. Jadzia sat watching cartoons when a little boy came running in. He saw the bubble/water device that was currently glowing pink "Pink is my favorite color!" He exclaimed. Jadzia joined the excitement "Pink is my favorite color too!" They both did a pink happy dance.

The nurse cleaned Jadzia's finger then her pediatrician came in wearing magnifying head gear. The stitches were pretty embedded because the doctor who put them in pulled them pretty tight. Her doctor decided to soak her hand for ten minutes and try again. When she returned ten minutes later she brought two nurses with her. This was good because it took myself the two nurses to hold Jadzia down. It took some time to extract the stitches and Jadzia wailed and fought.

Due to the event being a bit traumatic she was given bubbles and two suckers. Dr. Shash said they only reserve those things for harder cases. I can attest to that because the usual prize is a few stickers. Part of the skin is still loose so Jadzia has to continue to wear ointment and cream for a few more days.

Ronan and Inara seem to compete at times. Inara can pull to stand at the couch now but since it is still fairly new I clap and carry on when she does. Today that's what occurred when she pulled to stand to get closer to me. Ronan saw me cheering for Inara so he rushed over, pulled to stand and the with a huge grin applauded himself. I had to pick both of them up and give victory kisses.

Tonight Landon had a bit of foot trauma. One of the tires to his monster trucks came off and then he stepped on the sharp end of it. I'm not sure how deep it went in but we put salve on it and bandaged up. Looking back it should have been a given that band-aides don't stay on the bottom of feet very well.
Awww thats cute about Ronan and Inara, yay for both of them! lol Glad Jadzia got her stitches out, even if it did take a few poeple to hold her! LOL They rewarded her well! Poor Landon and his foot, gotta watch those monster truck tires! LOL