Monday, March 7, 2011

Ear Bruises

Last week Ronan's therapist called and asked if she could come out on Wednesday instead of the normal Monday. This left me thinking there would be no Monday house visit. I should learn by now not to make assumptions and that there is a reason I keep a date book with notes to myself. If I had looked at my planner I would have seen his teacher was going to be coming out today as well. There I sat sprawled out on the living room floor trying to locate the Megamind DVD Grandma Fullmer had just given the kids.Landon had put it somewhere but couldn't remember where. I found it in a case for a different dvd just as the door bell rang. Upon opening the door and seeing his teacher I let her in and then made a mad scramble to shove all the dvds back in the cupboard and tossed the dirty clothes pile at Landon to put in the bathroom ( the kids had just changed out of their pjs).
The session went well. Inara wanted to play with all of the therapy toys. Ronan didn't want to put rings in a container. He preferred to hang onto all of them and was slightly disgruntled over the object of the game. After his teaching session we had lunch and I got Ronan ready for his ENT appointment.
At the ENT they checked to make sure his ear tubes were clear and functioning. He saw the doctor who checked over the strange ear bruise he woke up with the other morning. He's been getting ear bruises frequently but this is by far the worse. The old theory was he was getting them from pulling his glasses and hearing aides off but this particular bruise arrived while he'd been sick and hadn't worn his gear for a good 4-5 days. His ENT said to watch it and if the ear bruises continued he should get a platelet count done.Tonight I had speech class and I had it pretty easy since I gave my speech last week. The students who were left gave their speeches and I got to sit back, relax and learn about some interesting topics. I'm looking forward to finishing this week and having a little break next week. We might take the kids to the zoo if the weather warms enough.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow that ear bruise is crazy dark and big...i hope he stops getting them or that you get it figured out in a quick manner. Good luck, and don't you love when you forget things and then get a surprise visit! LOL
