Last night I found out they are retiring the first five Lalaloopsy dolls. The Lalaloopsy Jadzia has always really wanted is Spot the Lalaloopsy with the horse and # 5. According to the official Lalaloopsy page whatever is out there in stores now of the first five is all there will ever be. On this note I called as many stores as I could think of trying to find the doll.

Spot is nowhere to be found except Ebay where it is priced well above value which I refuse to pay hiked prices. My mother in-law is going to Chicago so she is going to search for Spot there. Hopefully she'll have some luck. I was also trying to find the new pirate boy one but he's not as urgent since he's not retiring. My mom is trying to find Bea, the one with the owl. My niece Hannah likes that one best and my mom wants to get it for her birthday. It would seem the ones we are looking for are the ones that can't be found.

Besides Lalaloopsy questing today Ronan had OT. He mainly liked pulling apart the accordion tubing. He did half his session without hearing aides and glasses because he once again snapped the hearing aid piece. I'm going to have to take them in because now that he's pulled it apart so much it won't stay together.
Tomorrow is Ronan's feeding clinic which entails a three hour session, an hour break and then another session. I know it's going to be a long morning but I'm hoping we'll gain some insight into Ronan's eating troubles.

Tonight my mom watched the kids while I went to Biology class. Isaac hurt his back and wasn't feeling the greatest. When I came home my mom and three big kids were snuggled on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and m&ms. They were enjoying cuddles and a movie.
Can you tell me where you heard they were retiring the original dolls? I can't find any info on it anywhere.